Friday, April 9, 2010

Tulio Simoncini bicarbonate stimulates the growth of cancer

Simoncini cures cancer with sodium bicarb? It's only a fungus!


In fact, there seems to be evidence that sodium bicarbonate stimulates the growth of cancerous tissue. This Dutch site gives a long list of studies which attest that:

62. Tulio Simoncini is not followed by prosecution for involvement in death borstkankerpatiente clinic in Bilthoven in autumn 2007. Simoncini is known for his theory that cancer is a fungus would be contested and would be with sodium bi-carbonate. Official press release added. Article Update March 26, 2010

March 26, 2010: Source de Volkskrant

The Italian doctor Tulio Simoncini is not prosecuted for involvement in the death of Sylvia borstkankerpatiente one in the autumn of 2007 died after being treated with sodium bicarbonate The OM shows now know that there is no link to show orrzakeljik between injections with sodium bicarbonate and the death of Sylvia. The prosecution case against the seponeert Simoncini. Read again affecting the history of this case and Simoncini himself in Italy or has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter and his years as a doctor lecentie lost is.Hier the official press release from the OM:

Utrecht, March 24, 2010

Case closed in case deceased patient clinic Berg and Bosch

The Public Ministry Utrecht after extensive research decided to close the case involving a then 58-year-old woman came to die after treatment in a clinic for alternative medicine in Berg en Bosch.

The 58-year-old woman from Amsterdam suffered from breast cancer and was treated at a hospital in Amsterdam. In the period from 4 to October 7, 2007 she would deal with sodium bicarbonate in the Clinic for Preventive Medicine Mountain and Bosch. On October 8, 2007 she died. Because a link was suspected to treatment in the clinic in Berg en Bosch is research and dissect. This study shows that sodium bicarbonate is administered but not the (direct) cause of death. The pathologist gives death as a heart attack, indicating that a disturbed potassium metabolism may have played a role. Treatment with sodium bicarbonate may cause a deficiency of potassium. When this happens, it is customary to prescribe potassium tablets. This may be too high a dose or other factors lead to a too high potassium levels, which may cause cardiac arrhythmias that can result in death.

The study shows that the potassium content of conflicting results. An expert consulted states that derogations can be explained by an increased potassium. The autopsy report, however, no increased potassium levels shortly before death forward. Furthermore, solid evidence to establish that an abnormal potassium level caused death. Hence, the PPS not to whether there is an increased potassium levels caused by the prescription of potassium tablets and if so, who can be held responsible for the administration of potassium tablets. The study could not clarify the answer to that question.

All in all, the study in the opinion of the OM Utrecht no legitimate and convincing evidence that a relationship exists between the treatment in the Clinic for Preventive Medicine and the death of the woman and the Public Utrecht decided to close the case. The stakeholders were informed earlier this week about the decision.

June 16, 2009 in archive with

December 15, 2008 update: I see that our message is that Marjolein was seriously ill. It is unfortunately deceased last November 2.
Update September 19, 2008:
For those who had not read it yet but new Revu has a new article posted on Marjolein Bouwman would be cured by Simoncini. Now that Marjolein seriously ill again and now says Simoncini has always lied to her. Mogeljk How is it that this doctor and his admirers there so everyone can have cheat.
See Marjolein mail exchange between her mother and a person whose cancer would have
In March the message that appeared in Revue Marjolein Bouwman was cured of cancer after following the natriumbicarbonaattherapie of the Italian doctor Tullio Simoncini, but now looks considerably less good for her. Marjolein in the hospital in Genk, where she receives chemotherapy.
The news came out in an email exchange about Simoncini's therapy between a Marjoram and interested. The latter placed the mail on the Internet. Marjolein wrote it that they got problems with her back, then a scan was made. It showed that tumors in her liver, her spleen, ovary and her were her aorta. The first three have been surgically removed, the latter are treated in Genk.
Marjolein said in the emails to be lied to by Simoncini about her healing: "The scans were initially clean and positive, only when I strain my back started to get revealed cancer in other places on them and it is not completely gone was, as previously told. " Especially in her ovarian cancer came as a blow, "Simoncini has always assured me that the ovary was clean."
Marjolein confirms the story but would not comment further because her time in her illness and her family wants stabbing. Dr. Simoncini also will not comment on the bad news. The Italian says only that "we must hope for the best Marjolein '.
Ronald Huissen
It's all very sad and I must say that I have tears in my eyes have read the message of marjoram. So many people have their doubts put to Simoncini and Henk Trentelman and now show how justified the criticism was so. I'm deeply sorry for Marjolein because it is deliberately keeping a life-prolonging treatment.
Kees Braam
Update March 30, 2008
We are regularly accused (often cursing and threatening) that we so negative about Simoncini and treatment with sodium bicarbonate. Below we have already explained why we were and are reluctant. Now our position is confirmed. Through an American contact (oncologist and director of one of the most complementary clinics in the world) we got sent the following study list. These studies (in vitro and in animals) are all evidence that sodium stimulates tumor growth and therefore reduces or stops tumor growth. Thanks to V. Further events are earlier and the true story of Sylvia in the clinic in Blthoven died. Not because we have a translation made the abstract speak for themselves.
The following abstracts speak to the probable inadvisability
or inducing or pH extremes. Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is used in
animal models as a tumor promoter. Table salt (NaCl) can be Equally trou bling.

Food Chem Toxicol. 1999 Dec; 37 (12) :1159-66.

Effect of urinary pH on the progression of urinary bladder tumors.

<% = Http:// Hoetmer 22van%% 20A% 22% 5BAuthor% 5D = & iTools EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel. Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus> of
Garderen-Hoetmer A.

TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, AJ Zeist, The Netherlands.

Systemic alkalosis has been postulated to enhance tumorigenesis,
whereas systemic acidosis has been implicated to exert a favorable
influence on tumor control and regression. In the present study the
urinary pH was influenced by feeding acid-forming or base-forming
diets, and the effect of acid or alkaline urine on the early and late
progression phase of urinary bladder carcinogenicity was investigated
in male Wistar rats. Bladder lesions were initiated by
N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (0.05% BBN in the drinking
water during 4 weeks) and promoted by sodium bicarbonate (3.4% NaHCO3
in the diet during 15 or 25 weeks). After short-(15 week) and more
long-term (25 week) promotion with NaHCO3, groups of 20 rats were fed
a diet containing the acidifying salt ammonium chloride (2.1% NH4Cl equivalent)
or the control diet. All surviving rats were killed after a total
study duration of 52 weeks. Additional control groups were, after
initiation, fed diets containing NaHCO3 and killed after 15 or 25 wk
wk of promotion, or at the end of the study. In rats fed diets with
added salts, water intake and the amount of urine produced were
increased and the urinary density was decreased compared to rats fed
control diet. NaHCO3 during feeding, urinary pH and sodium
concentration were increased. NH4Cl equivalent during feeding, urinary pH was
decreased and urinary chloride and calcium concentrations were
increased. Initiation by BBN followed by treatment with NaHCO3 caused
a high incidence of papillary / nodular hyperplasia, papillomas and
carcinoma of the bladder epithelium. These lesions progressed with
time or longer duration of NaHCO3 promotion. A tumor protective
effect of urinary acidification by NH4Cl equivalent was not found. In fact, both
acidification and prolonged alkalinization tended to aggravate the
malignancy of bladder carcinomas.

PMID: 10654592 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Food Chem Toxicol. 2004 Jan; 42 (1) :135-53.

Toxicity and carcinogenicity of acidogenic or alkalogenic diets in
rats, effects of feeding NH (4) Cl, KHCO (3) or KCl.


TNO Nutrition and Food Research, PO Box 360, The 3700 AJ, Zeist,
The Netherlands.

The effects of diet-induced acid-base disturbances were Examined in
4-week, 13-week and 18-month toxicity studies, and in a 30-month
carcinogenicity study. Rats were fed a natural ingredient diet
(controls), supplemented with 2% or 4% KHCO (3) (base-forming diets),
or with 1% or 2.1% NH (4) Cl (acid-forming diets). Additional controls
were fed 3% KCl (neutral diet providing K (+) and Cl (-) in amounts
equimolar to those in the 4% KHCO (3) diet and the 2.1% NH (4) Cl diet,
respectively). NH (4) Cl induced the expected metabolic acidosis, as
shown by decreased base excess in blood, decreased urinary pH and
increased urinary net acid excretion. KHCO (3) induced the opposite
effects. KCl did not affect the acid-base balance. Clinical condition
and death rate were not affected. The feeding of high levels of each
salt resulted in growth retardation and increased water intake and
urinary volume. Plasma potassium and urinary potassium excretion were
increased with KHCO (3) and KCl. Plasma chloride was increased with
NH (4) Cl, but not with KCl. Urinary calcium and phosphate excretion
were increased with NH (4) Cl, but there were no indications that bone
minerals were involved (weight, calcium content and solid fat free or
the femur were not affected). Standard haematological and clinical
chemistry parameters were not affected. Kidney weights were increased
with 2.1% NH (4) Cl. Hypertrophy of the adrenal zona glomerulosa
occurred with KHCO (3), KCl and NH (4) Cl, due to chronic stimulation of
the adrenal cortex by either K (+) or by NH (4) Cl-induced acidosis. An
early onset (from week 13) of oncocytic tubules was noted in the
kidneys of rats fed KHCO (3) and, after 30 months, the incidence of
this lesion was much higher than the background incidence in aging
controls. No progression to oncocytomas was noted. KCl showed only
slight effects on the early onset of oncocytic tubules (from 18
months). In contrast, the severity of nephrosis and the incidence of
oncocytic tubules were decreased with 2.1% NH (4) Cl, suggesting a
protective effect of acidosis. The feeding of KHCO (3) resulted in
hyperplasia, papillomas and carcinomas of the urinary bladder. With
KCl only a slight increase in proliferative urothelial lesions was
noted. Apart from these (pre-) neoplastic lesions in the urinary
bladder there were no treatment-related differences in tumor
response among the groups. We concluded that most of the observed
changes represent physiological adaptations to the feeding of acid -
or base-forming salts. Remarkable effects noted with KHCO (3), and to
a far lesser extent with KCl, consisted of renal oncocytic tubules
and (pre-) neoplastic lesions of the urinary bladder epithelium.
NH (4) Cl-induced chronic metabolic acidosis was not associated with
dissolution of alkaline bone salts in rats. Finally, a protective
effect of chronic acidosis on tumor development was not found.

PMID: 14630137 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Eur J Nutr. 2001 Oct; 40 (5) :200-13.

Diet, evolution and aging - the pathophysiologic effects of the
post-agricultural inversion of the potassium-to-sodium and
base-to-chloride ratios in the human diet.

RC Jr,
Sell Meyer
DE, =% 22Todd% 20K% 22% 5BAuthor% 5D = & iTools EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel . Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus> Todd

University of California, San Francisco 94143, USA.

Theoretically, we humans should be better adapted physiologically to
the diet our ancestors were exposed to during millions of years of
Hominid evolution than to the diet we have been eating since the
agricultural revolution a mere 10.000 years ago, and since
Industrialization only 200 years ago. Among the many health problems
that result from this mismatch between our genetically determined
nutritional requirements and our current diet, some might be a
conséquence in part of the deficiency of potassium alkali salts
(K-base), which are amply present in the plant foods that our
ancestors ate in abundance, and the exchange of those salts for
sodium chloride (NaCl), which has been incorporated copiously into
The contemporary diet, which at the same time is in Meager
K-base-rich plant foods. Deficiency of K-base in the diet increases
the net systemic acid load imposed by the diet. We know that
Clinically-recognized chronic metabolic acidosis has deleterious
effects on the body, including growth retardation in children,
decreased muscle and bone mass in adults, and kidney stone formation,
and that correction of acidosis can améliorent rate those conditions. Is
it possible that a lifetime of eating diets that deliver
evolutionarily superphysiologic loads of acid contribute to the body
to the decrease in bone and muscle mass, and growth hormone
secretion, which occur normally with age? That is, are contemporary
humans suffering from the consequences of chronic, diet-induced
low-grade systemic metabolic acidosis? Our group has shown that
contemporary net acid-producing diets do indeed characteristically
produce a low-grade systemic metabolic acidosis in otherwise healthy
adult subjects, and that the degree of acidosis increases with age,
in relation to the normally occurring age-related decline in renal
functional capacity. We also found that neutralization of the diet
net acid load with dietary supplements of potassium bicarbonate
(KHCO3) improved calcium and phosphorus balances, reduced bone
resorption rates, improved nitrogen balance, and mitigated the
normally occurring age-related decline in growth hormone
secretion - all without restricting dietary NaCl. Moreover, we found
that co-administration of an alkalinizing salt of potassium
(potassium citrate) with NaCl prevented NaCl from increasing urinary
calcium excretion and bone resorption, as occurred with NaCl
administration alone. Earlier studies estimated dietary acid load
from the amount of animal protein in the diet, Inasmuch as protein
metabolism yields sulfuric acid as an end-product. In cross-cultural
Epidemiologic studies, Abelow found that hip fracture incidence in
older women correlated with animal protein intake, and they suggested
a causal relation to the acid load from protein. Those studies did
not consider the impact of potential sources of alkali in the diet. We
considered that estimating the net acid load of the diet (ie, acid
minus base) would require considering also the intake of plant foods,
many of which are rich sources of K-base, or more precisely base
precursors, substances like organic anions that the body metabolizes
to bicarbonate. In following up the findings of Abelow et al, we
found that plant food intake tended to be protective against hip
fracture, and that hip fracture incidence among countries correlated
inversely with the ratio of plant-to-animal food intake. These
findings were confirmed in a more homogeneous population of white
elderly women residents of the U.S. These findings support
affirmative answers to the questions we asked above. Can we provide
dietary guidelines for controlling dietary net acid loads to minimize
or eliminate diet-induced and age-amplified chronic low-grade
metabolic acidosis and its pathophysiological sequelae. We discuss
The use of algorithms to predict the diet net acid and provide
nutritionist and clinicians with relatively simple and reliable
Methods for Determining and controlling the net acid load of the
diet. A more difficult question is what level of acidosis is
acceptable. We argue that any level of acidosis may be unacceptable
from an evolutionarily perspective, and indeed, that a low-grade
metabolic alkalosis may be the optimal acid-base state for humans.

PMID: 11842945 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2007 Aug; 293 (2): F521-5. Epub 2007 May 23.

Dietary sodium chloride intake independently predicts the degree of
hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis in healthy humans consuming a net
acid-producing diet.

RC Jr,

Dept. of Medicine and General Clinical Research Center, University of
California, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA.

We previously demonstrated that typical American net acid-producing
diets predict a low-grade metabolic acidosis of severity proportional
to the diet net acid load as indexed by the steady-state renal net
acid excretion rate (NAE). We now investigate Whether a sodium (Na)
chloride (Cl) containing diet likewise associates with a low-grade
metabolic acidosis of severity proportional to the sodium chloride
content of the diet as indexed by the steady-state Na and Cl
excretion rates. In the steady-state preintervention periods of our
previously reported studies Comprising 77 healthy subjects, we
averaged in each subject three to six values of blood hydrogen ion
concentration ([H] b), plasma bicarbonate concentration
([HCO (3 )(-)] p), the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Pco (2)), the
urinary excretion rates of Na, Cl, NAE, and renal function as
measured by creatinine clearance (CrCl), and performed multivariate
analysis. Dietary Cl strongly correlated positively with dietary Na
(P <0.001)> =% 22Hernandez% 20Re% 5BAuthor% 22% 5D = & iTools EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel . Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus> Hernandez
RC Jr,

Whether it is uncertain in humans, potassium depletion can cause or
sustain metabolic alkalosis or Clinically important degree in the
Coexisting known absence of alkalosis-producing conditions.
Previously we found, in normal humans been abundant NaCl sting, that
dietary K + depletion alone can induce and sustain a small decrease in
blood acidity and increase in plasma bicarbonate concentration, we
hypothesized that more severe alkalosis was prevented by Mitigating
mechanisms initiated by renal retention of dietary NaCl that was
induced by K + depletion. To ascertain the response to acid-base
dietary K + depletion under conditions in which the availability of
NaCl for retention is greatly limited in the present study of six
normal one we restricted dietary K + as in the previous study except
that intake of NaCl was maintained low (2 to 7 mEq / day, Low NaCl
Group) instead of high (126 mEq / day, High NaCl Group). Plasma
acid-base composition and renal net acid excretion (NAE) did not
Significantly difference between groups during the control period. In the
steady state of K + depletion (11 to 15 days of K + restriction),
Neither plasma K + concentration (2.9 + / - 0.9 mEq / liter vs.. 3.0 + / --
0.1 mEq / liter) nor cumulative K + deficit (399 + / - 59 mEq vs.. 466 + / --
48 mEq) Significantly differed between groups. During K + restriction,
Persisting metabolic alkalosis developed in both groups, which was
more severe in the Low NaCl Group: increment in [HCO3-] p, 7.5 + / - 1.0
mEq / liter versus 2.0 + / - 0.3 mEq / liter, P less than 0.001; decrement
in [H +] p, 5.5 + / - 0.6 neq / liter versus 2.9 + / - 0.4 neq / liter, P less
than 0003. A Significantly more severe alkalosis in the Low NaCl
Group was evident at all degrees of K + deficiency achieved during the
course of the 15 days of K + restriction, and the severity of
alkalosis in the Low NaCl Group correlated with the degree of K +
deficiency. During the generation of alkalosis (days 1 to 7 or K +
restriction), NAE increased in the Low NaCl Group whereas it
decreased in the high NaCl group. During the maintenance of alkalosis
(days 11 to 15), NAE stabilized in both groups after it returned to
valuesapproximate the control values. In both groups, urine Cl -
excretion decreased during K + restriction even though Cl-intake had
not been changed, with the result that body Cl-content increased
negligibly in the Low NaCl Group (28 + / - 6 mEq) and substantially in
The High NaCl Group (355 + / - 64 mEq). (ABSTRACT truncated AT 400 WORDS)

PMID: 3039234 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Toxicol Pathol. 1997 May-Jun; 25 (3) :284-90.

Dose-dependent amplification by L-ascorbic acid of NaHCO3 promotion
of rat urinary bladder carcinogenesis.


First Department of Pathology, Osaka City University Medical School, Japan.

The dose dependence of L-ascorbic acid (ASA) or urinary copromotion
continuous bladder carcinogenesis with concomitant administration of
NaHCO3 was investigated. In the first experiment, 83 male F344 rats
were all given 0.05% N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (BBN) for
4 wk and then divided into 5 groups, which received basal diet
(Oriental MF) containing ASA at 0, 1, 2, 3.5, or 5% plus 1.5% NaHCO3
for 32 wk. Relative urinary bladder weights in the ASA group were 5%
Significantly increased as compared to the 0 or 1% group values due
to the development of tumors. Both the incidence and number of
microscopic urinary bladder lesions (tumors and preneoplastic
lesions) showed dose-dependent increases. Furthermore, the sizes of
The urinary bladder tumors (papillomas and carcinomas) were
Significantly increased with the highest dose,
5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine labeling indices showed slightly increased
proliferation in preneoplastic lesions of the urinary bladder
epithelium with 5% ASA treatment. In a separate experiment, scanning
electron microscopic observation revealed that administration of 5%
ASA plus 1.5% NaHCO3 for 8 wk, without BBN, the altered urinary
bladder surface. Elevation of urinary bladder epithelium ASA content,
as well as urinary ASA, was also noted. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC)
ODC activity and messenger RNA levels in urinary bladder epithelium
or rats treated with 1.5% NaHCO3 plus 5% ASA for 8 wk showed no
statistically significant differences as compared to the control
group. The results indicate that ASA amplifies the rat urinary
bladder carcinogenesis promotion activity of NaHCO3 and that its
intensity of action depends on the dose, particularly at high dose.

PMID: 9210260 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Carcinogenesis. July 1988, 9 (7) :1203-6.

The role of urinary pH and sodium ion concentration in the promotion
stage or two-stage carcinogenesis of the rat urinary bladder.


First Department of Pathology, Nagoya City University Medical School, Japan.

The promoting activities of NaHCO3 and NaCl in two-stage urinary
bladder carcinogenesis in rats initiated with
N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (BBN) were investigated. Male
F344 rats were given 0.05% BBN in their drinking water for 4 weeks
and then treated with basal diet containing either 3% NaHCO3, 1% NaCl
or no added chemical for 32 weeks. Significantly increased the NaHCO3
induction of preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the urinary
bladder, whereas NaCl did not. NaHCO3 produced elevation of urinary
urinary pH and Na + concentration. NaCl increased urinary Na +
concentration without the elevation of urinary pH. In an additional
experiment, DNA synthesis in the urinary bladder epithelium was
Significantly increased in the groups given 3% NaHCO3, 5% sodium
L-ascorbate and 1% NaCl. These results confirm that urinary
components, increase in urinary pH and Na + concentration play an
important role in the promotion of urinary bladder carcinogenesis in rats.

PMID: 2838196 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Update March 7, 2008:
We have had contact with the Healthcare Inspectorate who confirmed that the investigation by the OM to the death of Sylvia after treatment with sodium bicarbonate by the Italian physician Tulio Simoncini is not yet complete. IGZ did confirm that Simoncini suspended in Italy and anywhere in the world artsenvak may exercise. When he does it and it is reported to IGZ or justice or it will launch an investigation and if it is proven criminal proceedings in the country where the Simoncini treatment performed. On you can find phone numbers and e-mail asking for information. Of course everyone is free to choose any treatment but it seems advisable oi you well in advance about the risks. All duideljk nature we also prefer a natural and humane treatment of cancer than chemo and radiation but around Simoncini more facts come up that suggest that this man or have no clue what he is talking of an ordinary crook is dead.
From an expert we heard that the bacterial infection that Henk Trentelman Simoncini to schedule in a chronic paralysis of the legs can cause infection if it occurs in the pelvic area close to the lower vertebrae. If this occurs when the heart can result in death. The prosecution is now investigating whether this might cause could have been the death of Sylvia. This makes it all the more poignant that Henk Trentelman never told that he has opened bacterial infection had risen by Simoncini.
February 29, 2008:
First, here this: On February 20, 2008 Network sent out a report about Dr. Simoncini. For whom the broadcast network on Simoncini who may have missed this view:
As has become clear now surrounding the death of Sylvia, I have the information updated and specific information about Simoncini removed. A few weeks ago, Peter M. Sylvia's partner contacted me. We have exchanged information and this is a summary of what to say Peter has done. I quote verbatim what Peter at the forum of TROS RADAR wrote last week, he first made himself known and then writes how he went. Below I have one and another and summarize what we believe about Simoncini and treatment with sodium bicarbonate:
Posted on February 24, 2008 19:09 by simon ni ci

After much thought I decided not to mention my name,
my 'identity' to publish!

I am the partner of my dear Sylvia!
This letter I send to most participants in this forum and is not primarily intended as a response to messages and you guys know what I mean!
I just read for the umpteenth time the section 'Sweden' in Nieuwe Revu. And I can tell you: "fly me to the umpteenth time by the throat".

Schweden: She had two days before her death not eaten or drunk.

Sylvia, the Saturday before she died Monday morning normally eaten and drunk. Sunday morning she ate a few "crackers" and drank some of it. Saturday morning she was in the Floral still compliment that they looked so good that I was also struck and it was she happy!

Sweden: The wife also visited two days before her death my clinic.

Do you believe me when I say that I now "headache" did.

I had Thursday, Friday, not Saturday and Sunday with her in Bilthoven. Friday, when I was outside smoking a cigarette, I saw Sylvia Simoncini deal with assistant natarella side. The door was open.
Every day I see the waiting room Simoncini pass on their way to the waiting room where Sylvia. She always told me afterwards what had happened.
Sunday after the treatment they wanted the bed to lie in the clinic because she felt so bad and got water from both Marion worked as an assistant in the clinic, where I bijzat.
After about three minutes, we packed the car and drove home. Around seven hours Sylvia did not eat, not hungry. Around noon she felt to be worse. Between 1.00/2.00 hours they got diarrhea. 3 x service called the doctor who had delivered by courier diarrhea pills. At half past six I called the clinic, I thought that 'bird' natarella sleeping there and sure enough! He said everything is the result of a flu leading to diarrhea, no problem!
At 8:00 am I called Sylvia's doctor! Moments earlier she had difficulty breathing, and I see before me how she looked at me quizzically when I said "You do not look at me, darling, I love it as much of you!

But now this: Suppose that Sylvia would have had no friend!
I am sure they would have been there only. I must not think. How fortunate I was there. Now I can do everything in my power for my little girl.

In summary: Sylvia has breast cancer after her diagnosis was established (no metastases) contacted the Italian doctor Simoncini on the advice of a Dutch orthomolecular doctor. Simoncini at the request of Dr Schweden, director of the clinic in Bilthoven, the Netherlands came six days long and has a number of patients treated with sodium bicarbonate injections and also include Sylvia treated. Every day, these 5 injections with sodium bicarbonate in the left breast. All duideljk nature Sylvia might have survived breast cancer but she was always very healthy and physically in excellent condition voorat they began this treatment. On Sunday Sylvia received complaints and it deteriorated rapidly after she died Monday. There are now investigated by the OM. We know from our sources now probably the cause of Sylvia's death but that obviously can not place. What particularly bothers me is that doctors persoonljk as Sweden and Klatte Simoncini and deny (nota bene on television) that they have dealt with Sylvia. While we have read e-mails showing quite clear that Sylvia daadwerkeljik treated by the clinic Simoncini n Schweden. People who own doctor as the street trying to sweep at the expense of a patient and her relatives will lose all credibility and respect for me. Once we know more we will supplement this information. See also below what we wrote about earlier.
February 12: On February 20, 2008 Network sent out a report about Dr. Simoncini. For whom the broadcast network on Simoncini who may have missed this view:
December 10, 2007:

Last year me / us many times asked about Simoncini's approach with bi-carbonate to write on our website. Here a brief statement nav a reaction of doctor-biologist Erik Valstar in a very long discussion on Internet forums), which provides mi mainly by emotions, hope and despair, and not always facts. But here the reaction of Valstar short explanation on my part, webmaster of cancer and verantwoordeljk with the administration for the content of our website.
I'm so free to comment 1 of Valstar to Simoncini his approach bi-carbonate posted on the internet to post here also unchanged.

e.valstar said:

Only incoherent rhetoric, but no reference from the corner Simoncini. I give it two: Harguindey found that acid in vivo in mice in vivo caused tumor regression and a very strong improvement in survival (pH 0.1-0.2 only shift to the acidic side): see Harguindey S et al, Cancer Research 39: 4364-71, 1979). See also LJ Anghileri; Int J Clin Pharmacol 12: 320-6, 1975. Naturally you need medical / technical English to read these articles, the main conclusions are clear even to a layman.
Trentelman has almost 9 years without Simoncini saved, so what does that him? : Nothing! (Editors note: Henk Trentelman, see his story here, has always said that after his cancer was clinically dendritic cell, with only an elevated PSA but earlier this year with the launch of his book no detectable tumors.) . No, the IOCOB looking for more evidence, here they are, they argue even more explicit by Simoncini.
Kees really throws salt and acid-alkali mix, but that does not affect my argument. I expect may be just as obvious disadvantages of Simoncini, especially in the longer term.

I, Mike, still wants to add this:
Last year me / us on numerous occasions asked for information about Simoncini on our website. I have a couple of times when information obtained from such physician-biologist Erik Valstar and advised it off. Then I have two other doctors consulted and they indicated that it would be wise not to create false hope and because bi-carbonate is not completely ongevaarljik .. 1 opmemking that all three doctors were I can not remember: "Who says that cancer is a fungus without even 1 study that can indicate who will demonstrate impracticable. Cancer has many causes and occur in many forms . Later, another doctor said: that cancer patients often have fungi is logical because of cancer treatments that make cancer patients receive less resistance against such diseases. But it will be clear that I miss the knowledge to the theory of bi-carbonate, etc. to discuss them. That is why I always include advice to Valstar sometimes to other doctors, who also works in the regular field but with an open mind because they are there. When it comes to experience, I like them continue to think and discuss.

Sorry but unfortunately is a miracle cure for cancer has not been found as far as I know, already helps a complementary approach to a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating awareness is a lot. And I expect that in the not to distant future chemotherapy will be rare because other treatments are less onerous.

I wish everyone much strength,
Kees blackberry


This is a new one on me, and I'd welcome comments.

A friend sent an invitiation to a cancer lecture. Central to the discussion is work by an oncologist, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, whose web site is Cancerfungus, as he claims to discovered that cancer is a fungus. He treats it with sodium bicarbonate (how, I'm not sure -- take an Alka-Seltzer in a glass of water?), and naturally, claims a surprising success rate. To put words in his mouth,
The present work is based on the conviction, supported by many years of observations, comparisons and experiences, that the necessary and sufficient cause of the tumour is to be sought in the vast world of the fungi.
Some of the names associated with the group sponsoring the lecture are:

Mark Sircus OMD (Transdermal Magnesium Therapy)
David Brownstein MD (Holistic family medicine)
John Cannell MD (Vitamin D causes autism)
Stanley Jacob MD (DMSO proponent)

I think you get the picture. I hear ducks in the background. But I'd be interested in anything else related to this topic that anyone might care to bring to the discussion, since IANAD.

IMVA - Sodium Bicarbonate - Lessons in Cancer and General pH Management - April 3, 2007
Bicarbonate Lessons in Cancer and General pH Management
International Medical Veritas Association

Most of us are going to be surprised to find out that there is an oncologist in Rome Italy, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, destroying cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate.[i] Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It’s an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent and purposes, an instant killer of tumors. Full treatment takes only days, as does another cancer treatment that heats the cancer cells with laser generated heat. (At bottom see combining ph shift with heat.)

The extracellular (interstitial) pH (pHe) of solid tumours
is significantly more acidic compared to normal tissues. [ii]

Case one: A patient diagnosed with pulmonary neoplasm of the lung, underwent treatment with sodium bicarbonate, before submitting to surgery to remove part of the lung. Treatment consisted of sodium bicarbonate administered orally, by aerosol, and IV. After first treatment reduction of nodules and absorption was evident, and after 8 months was no longer visible at all. Treatments also reduced size of the liver and results were confirmed by both X-ray and CAT scan.

Studies have shown how manipulation of tumour pH with sodium bicarbonate enhances some forms of chemotherapy.[iii] Proteins can be modified both in vivo and in vitro by increases in acidity. In fact pH is the regulatory authority that controls most cellular processes. The pH balance of the human bloodstream is recognized by medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry. pH is the acronym for "Potential Hydrogen". In definition, it is the degree of concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. It is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. Higher numbers mean a substance is more alkaline in nature and there is a greater potential for absorbing more hydrogen ions. Lower numbers indicate more acidity with less potential for absorbing hydrogen ions.

Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our body's biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body. The higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore, electricity travels slower with higher pH. If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast. Alkaline pH on the other hand, biochemically speaking, is slow and cool.
Cancer tissues have a much higher concentration of
toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc then do healthy tissues.

In 1973, a study conducted by the Department of Occupational Health at Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem found that when cancerous breast tissue is compared with non-cancerous tissue from elsewhere in the same woman's body, the concentration of toxic chemicals such as DDT and PCBs was "much increased in the malignant tissue compared to the normal breast and adjacent adipose tissue."[iv] This should say something to the oncologists of the world about chemical etiologies that are going undiagnosed and untreated.

Part of any successful cancer treatment includes chelation and detoxification of heavy metals and a host of toxic chemicals, which are all invading our bodies’ everyday. It is literally raining mercury, uranium contamination is increasing, lead we are discovering is even more toxic than anyone ever believed and is even in the bread that we eat, arsenic is in our chicken, the government still wants you to get your yearly mercury flu shot, dentists of course are still using hundreds of tons of mercury exposing patients to internalized toxic waste dumps (mercury vapors from hell), fluoride is still put in the water and chlorine is breathed in most showers. This just covers a small slice of the toxic disaster that is the hallmark of life in the 21st century. But oncologists have just not been able to understand that cancer patients are suffering from poisoning on a massive scale with all the chemicals scientists have already established cause cancer.

The IMVA recommends alkaline foods and sodium bicarbonate so that the pH of the blood remains high, which in turn means that the blood is capable of carrying more oxygen. This in turn keeps every cell in the body at peak efficiency and helps the cell eliminate waste products. Detoxification and chelation will proceed more easily and safely under slightly alkaline conditions. Increased urinary pH reduces oxidative injury in the kidney so it behooves us to work clinically with bicarbonate.

Patients receiving sodium bicarbonate achieved urine pHs
of 6.5 as opposed to 5.6 with those receiving sodium chloride.
This alkalinization is theorized to have a protective effect against
the formation of free-radicals that may cause nephropathy.[v]
Dr. Michael Metro

Body ph level changes are intense in the profundity of their biological effects. Even genes directly experience external pH. pH differentially regulates a large number of proteins. Increased oxidative stress, which correlates almost exponentially with ph changes into the acidic, is especially dangerous to the mitochondria, which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress. Epigenetics, which may now have begun eclipsing traditional genetics, commonly describes how factors such as diet and smoking, rather than inheritance influence how genes behave.

The great advantage of knowing the prime cause of a disease
is that it can then be attacked logically and over a broad front.
Dr. Otto Warburg

Dr. Otto Warburg, two times Nobel Prize winner, stated in his book, The Metabolism of Tumors that the primary cause of cancer was the replacement of oxygen in the respiratory cell chemistry by the fermentation of sugar. The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a fermentation process, which can be triggered only in the absence of oxygen at the cell level. What Warburg was describing was a classic picture of acidic conditions. Just like overworked muscle cells manufacture lactic acid by-products as waste, cancerous cells spill lactic acid and other acidic compounds causing acid pH.

After we just saw how important sulfur is in human health and how useful a basic chemical like sodium thiosulfate can be, we now get a crash course in the power of sodium bicarbonate and the act of instantly turning cancer cells alkaline. Might as well shoot a guided cruise missile at them - so effective, safe, quick and precise is sodium bicarbonate, inexpensive as well. Just a few pennies a day of it will keep cancer further away, keeping it at arms length from ourselves, patients and loved ones. It is something we can use to treat our water with as well, excellent to put in distilled or reverse osmosis water or any water for that matter.

A true understanding of cancer is impossible without understanding why some tissues in the body are deficient in oxygen and therefore prone to cancer. Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water (H2O) decomposes into H+ and OH-. When a solution contains more H+ than OH- then it is said to be acid. When it contains more OH- than H+ then it is said to be alkaline. When oxygen enters an acid solution it can combine with H+ ions to form water. Oxygen helps to neutralize the acid, while at the same time the acid prevents oxygen from reaching the tissues that need it. Acidic tissues are devoid of free oxygen. An alkaline solution is just the reverse. Two hydroxyl ions (OH-) can combine to produce one water molecule and one oxygen atom. In other words, an alkaline solution can provide oxygen to the tissues.

The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral.
Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. The blood,
lymph and cerebral spinal fluid in the human body
are designed to be slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.4.

At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live. This has given rise to a variety of treatments based on increasing the alkalinity of the tissues such as vegetarian diet, the drinking of fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and dietary supplementation with alkaline minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, cesium and rubidium. But nothing can compare to the instant alkalinizing power of sodium bicarbonate for safe and effective treatment of cancer.

Like magnesium chloride or sulfates are excellent emergency medicines, basic chemicals, nutritional in nature, sodium bicarbonate is a nutritional medicine meaning it cannot and will not end up controlled by CODEX. To control bicarbonate they would have to demand mothers stop making cake with it. We might thus identify sodium bicarbonate as an emergency medicine for cancer with the above supporting approaches working on broader levels to help overall physiology change to a degree where body chemistry is unfavorable for new cancer growth.

Cancer seems to grow slowly in a highly acid environment (because the acids cause it to partially destroy itself) and may actually grow more quickly as your body becomes more alkaline prior to reaching the healthy pH slightly above 7.4 where the cancer becomes dormant. Therefore it is important to get pH above 7.4 quickly. Once one has achieved a pH above 7.4, it is useful to monitor saliva pH regularly to ensure that the body remains sufficiently alkaline.

Earlier and more frequent use of sodium bicarbonate was associated
with higher early resuscitability rates and with better long-term
neurological outcome. Sodium bicarbonate is beneficial during CPR.[vi]

"The therapeutic treatment of bicarbonate salts can be administered orally, through aerosol, intravenously and through catheter for direct targeting of tumors.” All of Dr. Tullio Simoncini’s treatments with sodium bicarbonate are directed as specifically as possible to the organs involved, for example, vaginally as well as abdominally into the peritoneal space for cervical cancer, through the hepatic artery for liver cancer in order to get the solution as close to the affected area as possible. Sodium bicarbonate administered orally, via aerosol or intravenously can achieve positive results in most tumors, including the brain, while others, such as the serious ones of the bones can remain unaffected. Dr. Simoncini, with the help of interventionist radiologists was able to reach those areas of the body that had previously been inaccessible. This was achieved through positioning appropriate catheters either in cavities for peritoneum and pleura, or in arteries to reach other organs.[vii]

The most effective measure to treat RT-induced mucositis in patients
with head and neck cancer is frequent oral rinsing with a sodium
bicarbonate rinse, to reduce the amount of oral microbial flora.[viii]

Case two: A nine-year-old child is hospitalized and diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma on the right humerus. Despite several chemotherapy cycles surgery removed the humeral bone. Growth of three tumor masses continued despite continued efforts to stop progression. Sodium bicarbonate salts treatment were then started administered by catheter into the right sub-clavian artery in order to administer the salts (phleboclysis of 500 cc at five per cent) directly on the tumoral masses. Of the 3 masses shown by the scographic scan of May 7, 2001, whose size is respectively:
a. 6,5 cm
b. 4,4 cm
c. 2,4 cm

After the sodium bicarbonate salts treatment only one tumor was left, with a size of only 1.5 cm, which is most likely residual scarring, as shown by the echography of September 10, 2001.

Sodium bicarbonate injection is also indicated in the treatment of metabolic acidosis which may occur in severe renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes, and circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration, extracorporeal circulation of blood, cardiac arrest and severe primary lactic acidosis. Sodium bicarbonate is further indicated in the treatment of drug intoxications, including barbiturates. Sodium carbonate has been found effective in treating poisoning or overdose from many chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs by negating the cardiotoxic and neurotoxic effects. [ix]
Sodium bicarbonate is useful in treating
neurological disorders in children.

Knowledge of sodium bicarbonate is important for parents because the rate of childhood cancer is growing exponentially. But parents who resist the radiation burning, cutting and the lethal chemicals are regularly hauled before the courts only to have their children taken away from them. Oncologists are increasingly resorting to the justice system to have children made wards of the courts who then turn them over to medically irresponsible practitioners. It is inexcusable separating a child from his mother and father in the middle of a medical crisis. Adding to the stress by tormenting patients’ hearts and souls has nothing to do with safe or effective medicine. The naked truth is doctors and medical institutions have not earned the necessary trust for this level of intervention in people’s lives. With patient safety slipping year by year,[x] children are not safe in hospitals, much less so if forced at gunpoint from their parents embrace.

An extremely simple therapy used by physicians who treat autism is to
supply a mild antidote that neutralizes the excess acids. The most
convenient product is a nonprescription drug called AlkaSeltzer
Gold™. Do not use any other kind of AlkaSeltzer™. AlkaSeltzer
Gold™ is simply a very safe product (sodium and potassium
bicarbonate) that helps to neutralize excess acids of any kind.
Dr. William Shaw
Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD

One mother wrote, "It worked so well for both of my children that the die-off was an uneventful experience, even though they both had very high levels of yeast.” The restoring of acid/alkaline balance also relieves many allergies. "These children also had grave disturbances in electrolyte chemistry, and tended to be acidotic (low CO). The data that unfolded was fascinating and clearly earmarked the acidosis and hypoxic state (low serum bicarbonate = low O2 levels). Potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium carbonate and the like were used. Now we began to understand why so many children responded to Buffered C (potassium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate), and others needed a more specific buffer (in some children for example niacin was grossly depleted and they required niacin bicarbonate),” wrote Patricia Kane.

The acid/alkaline balance is one of the most overlooked aspects
of health, though many have written much about it. In general,
the American public is heavily acid, excepting vegetarians.

Case three: A 62-year-old patient undergoes surgery in December 1998 for endometrial adenocarcinoma, followed by successive cycles of radiotherapy and anti-hormone therapy. Following the thickening of the peritoneum and the growth of several lymph nodes due to carcinosis; from the clinical point of view, the patient’s condition decayed with the presence of exhaustion, general swelling, intestinal meteorism, irregularity of evacuation, steady feeling of heaviness and blood pressure instability. Treatment with a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution administered alternately thru an endoperitoneal catheter and via IV showed rapid improvement to a normal condition of health. A final CAT scan confirms the regression of the peritoneal carcinosis and a stabilization of the size of the lymph nodes when compared to the preceding year.

The kidneys are usually the first organs to show chemical
damage upon uranium exposure, military manuals suggest
doses or infusions of sodium bicarbonate to help alkalinize the
urine if this happens. This makes the uranyl ion less kidney-toxic
and promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium-carbonate complex.
The oral administration of sodium bicarbonate diminishes the
severity of the changes produced by uranium in the kidneys.[xi]

Case four: A 40-year-old patient underwent surgical intervention (left radical mastectomy) for mammarian carcinoma seven months earlier. After three months of chemotherapy, the patient is affected by: "diffused pulmonary and hepatic metastasis; bone metastasis particularly to the fifth and sixth lumbar vertebrae, with invasion and compression of the medullar channel, which is causing extreme pain which makes the patient unresponsive to any treatment.” All pain suppressant drugs – morphine included – are totally ineffective and the patient is totally prostrate even unable to sleep. Believing that fungal colonies amassed in the medullar channel will respond to administration of sodium bicarbonate salts, lumbar injections are begun.

Dr Tullio Simoncini recounts: "As I administer it by slowly injecting 50 cc of sodium bicarbonate solution at 8.4 %, the patient tosses and with a thread of a voice confesses to me that she has slept only two hours in the last week. Exhausted, she whispers to me: "If only I could sleep half an hour tonight.” But the day after, she calls me on the phone and says: "I have slept all night”. After two more lumbar injections of the bicarbonate salts in the next month, the pain disappeared completely. Magnetic Resonance imaging reports performed before and after treatment were defined by hospital head of the radiology department as "shocking."

Sodium bicarbonate is the chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is commonly used as an antacid for short-term relief of stomach upset, to correct acidosis in kidney disorders, to make the urine alkaline during bladder infections and to minimize uric acid crystallization during gout treatment. Prescription sodium bicarbonate products are given by injection to treat metabolic acidosis and some drug intoxications. Sodium bicarbonate is available as a nonprescription medical as well as a general house hold item. It is also used with other non-prescription drugs for short-term treatment of various conditions to treat anything from fever to moderate pain.

Sodium bicarbonate possesses the property of absorbing heavy
metals, dioxins and furans. Comparison of cancer tissue with
healthy tissue from the same person shows that the cancer tissue
has a much higher concentration of toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc.

Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes acids present in gases (in particular hydrochloric acid, suphur dioxide, hydrofluoric acid) to form sodium salts (sodium chloride, sodium sulphate, sodium fluoride, sodium carbonate), which are all known as Residual Sodium Chemicals. Sodium bicarbonate can be made into a paste salve with vinegar, it relieves burning from bug stings (particularly bee stings), poison ivy, nettles, and sunburn. It is used as an antacid to treat acid indigestion and heartburn. Mixed with water in a 10% solution can soften earwax for removal.

Substituting a sodium bicarbonate solution for saline
infusion prior to administration of radiocontrast
material seems to reduce the incidence of nephropathy.[xii]

Dr. Thomas P. Kennedy
American Medical Association

Because sodium bicarbonate has long been known and is widely used, it has many other names including sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium bicarb, baking soda, bread soda, cooking soda, bicarb soda, saleratus or bicarbonate of soda. It is soluble in water. This white solid is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder. It has a slight alkaline taste resembling that of sodium carbonate. It is a component of the mineral natron and is found dissolved in many mineral springs. It is also produced artificially. World wide production is on the scale of 100,000 ton/year. Sodium bicarbonate is primarily used in cooking (baking) where it reacts with other components to release carbon dioxide, that helps dough "rise."

It is commonly used to increase the pH and total alkalinity of the water for pools and spas. Sodium bicarbonate can be added as a simple solution for restoring the pH balance of water that has a high level of chlorine. It is sometimes used in septic tanks to control pH and bacteria.

Sodium bicarbonate-rich mineral water in conjunction with a
low-salt diet may have a beneficial effect on calcium homeostasis.[xiii]

Distilled water is not safe, it lacks bicarbonates and minerals and yes, it is acid forming to the body. Yet it is an excellent aid in detoxification and chelation for its purity pulls on toxicities in the body. Part of the reason why our body is acid is that it lacks enough bicarbonate necessary to neutralize the acid. Whenever the water lacks the proper bicarbonates to neutralize the water in distilled water your body basically becomes a little more acid. But we can easily treat distilled or reverse osmosis water by adding bicarbonate and magnesium and perhaps even some sodium thiosulfate. (The art and science of water treatment will be covered in The Waters of Life, another IMVA publication due out later this year. The conscious use of water favorably increases medical outcomes, often it even determines the prognosis. You cannot separate out hydration from pH. Dehydration would certainly push the body toward acidity.)

pH of the blood is the most important factor to
determine the state of the microorganisms in the blood.

The native chemical and physical properties of sodium bicarbonate account for its wide range of applications, including cleaning, deodorizing, buffering, and fire extinguishing. Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes odors chemically, rather than masking or absorbing them. Consequently, it is used in bath salts and deodorant body powders. Sodium bicarbonate tends to maintain a pH of 8.1 (7 is neutral) even when acids, which lower pH, or bases, which raise pH, are added to the solution. Its ability to tabletize makes it a good effervescent ingredient in antacids and denture cleaning products. Sodium bicarbonate is also found in some anti-plaque mouthwash products and toothpaste.

Sodium bicarbonate also is indicated in severe diarrhea which is often accompanied by a significant loss of bicarbonate. Vigorous bicarbonate therapy is required in any form of metabolic acidosis where a rapid increase in plasma total CO2 content is crucial †e.g. cardiac arrest, circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration , and in severe primary lactic acidosis or severe diabetic acidosis.

Sodium Bicarbonate Injection, USP is administered by the intravenous route. In cardiac arrest, a rapid intravenous dose of one to two 50 mL vials (44.6 to 100 mEq) may be given initially and continued at a rate of 50 mL (44.6 to 50 mEq) every 5 to 10 minutes if necessary (as indicated by arterial pH and blood gas monitoring) to reverse the acidosis. Caution should be observed in emergencies where very rapid infusion of large quantities of bicarbonate is indicated. Bicarbonate solutions are hypertonic and may produce an undesirable rise in plasma sodium concentration in the process. of correcting the metabolic acidosis. In cardiac arrest, however, the risks from acidosis exceed those of hypernatremia.

In the current system, if a promising compound can’t be patented, it is highly unlikely ever to make it to market — no matter how well it performs in the laboratory or in emergency room situations. The hormone melatonin,[xiv] sold as an inexpensive food supplement in the United States, has repeatedly been shown to slow the growth of various cancers when used in conjunction with conventional treatments. Dr. Paolo Lissoni, another Italian oncologist has written many articles about this hormone and conducted clinical trials. But he has despaired over the pharmaceutical industry’s total lack of interest in his treatment approach.

We need a new approach to fight cancer, one that will work safely and effectively since the majority of us are now destined to have to suffer through cancer at one point or another in our lives. The situation in the field of oncology is horrendous and in the area of childhood oncology they have earned their place in the book The Terror of Pediatric Medicine, (which one can download as a free e-book.)

Most people today cringe at the idea of finding a cancer then slashing, burning and poisoning it to smithereens. Most would agree that the mainstream cancer approach offers only marginal benefits at best, and providers push screening and aggressive treatment in part because they have nothing else to give, and also because it’s very profitable.

If the body's cellular metabolism and pH is
balanced it is susceptible to little illness or disease.

Since 1971, when President Nixon declared war on cancer, the budget of the National Cancer Institute has increased to $4.8 billion from half a billion and cancer rates are still going up. For most of the past half-century, medical treatment of invasive tumors like those of the breast and colon has relied mainly on drugs, radiation or both, in effect carpet-bombing the DNA of cancer cells. These highly toxic treatments do not address the root causes of cancer and are extremely dangerous, medical approaches involving the highest risks. Â

The great variety of cancers must reflect a fundamental
mechanism by which the disease arises, one
that has not been so clearly apparent until now.

Though allopathic medicine already uses sodium bicarbonate it will not any day soon turn to its own arsenal of already available safe and inexpensive medications like sodium bicarbonate or magnesium chloride. The medical industrial complex seems unwilling to change its views on cancer so patients will need to quietly ask their doctors for intravenous bicarbonate without specifying it as a substance they want to use to cure their cancer. It will be easier to find someone if one approaches with a need to treat acidic conditions than the actual cancer. Few doctors are willing to risk their licenses so it is better not to put them in an uncomfortable situation that they cannot control.

The closer the pH is to 7.35 - 7.45, the higher our level of
health and well being and our ability to resist states of disease.

Sadly this does not address the need for the use of catheters which target tumors more directly thus pushing us toward a more complete protocol that will target cancer in a more general and comprehensive way. This needs to be done anyway because killing the tumor with a rush of alkalinity that provokes an oxygen rush into the cells will not prevent the condition from reoccurring. Though we can think that acidity is a basic cause of cancer a more basic cause is addressed when we look at what leads to the acidic conditions that are so prevalent in our bodies today.

Sodium bicarbonate is an anti-fungin substance
that is very diffusible and thus very effective.

Dr Tullio Simoncini says, "It is useful to consider the extreme sensitivity of fungi to saline and electrolytic solutions. These solutions, because of their extreme capacity for diffusion, are able to reach all the myceliar biological expressions, including the most infinitesimal ones. Salts and bicarbonates, by making the terrain completely inorganic, eliminates the slightest organic fonts that fungi could use for nourishment. In this context, sodium bicarbonate, which is currently used in children's oral candidoses, appears to be a simple and handy weapon capable of uprooting, inhibiting, or attenuating any neoplastic formation wherever it is possible to easily apply it.

Cancer is actually a four-letter word ACID,
especially lactic acid as a waste product due to the
low oxygen level and waste products of yeast and fungus.

For centuries, medicated baths have been one of the first lines of treatment for psoriasis. Even today, with sophisticated immunosuppressive treatments available, Dead Sea salts and spa waters are recognized to be beneficial in the management of psoriatic patients.

To assess statistically the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate baths in psoriasis patients, thirty-one patients with mild-moderate psoriasis were studied. Almost all patients who used NaHCO3- reported a statistically valuable improvement. NaHCO3- baths reduced itchiness and irritation; in general, the patients themselves recognized a beneficial impact on their psoriasis, so much so that they have continued to bathe in NaHCO3- even after the end of the study. [xv]

Sodium bicarbonate therapy is harmless, fast and effective because it is extremely diffusible. A therapy with bicarbonate for cancer should be set up with strong dosage, continuously, and with pauseless cycles in a destruction work which should proceed from the beginning to the end without interruption for at least 7-8 days. In general a mass of 2-3-4 centimetres will begin to consistently regress from the third to the fourth day, and collapses from the fourth to the fifth. Generally speaking, the maximum limit of the dosage that can be administered in a session gravitates around 500 cc of sodium bicarbonate at five per cent solution, with the possibility of increasing or decreasing the dosage by 20 per cent in function of the body mass of the individual to be treated and in the presence of multiple localisations upon which to apportion a greater quantity of salts,
instructs Dr Simoncini.

In the early stages of acidic pH in the body's tissues, the warning symptoms are mild. These include such things as skin eruptions, headaches, allergies, colds, flu and sinus problems. These symptoms are frequently treated (manipulated) with antibiotic drugs and suppressive medications. The longer and the deeper we become acidic the more our illness takes hold so it's best to fight acidic conditions early on and in every presenting clinical situation. Certainly a highly toxic drug like anti viral Tamiflu won't do a fraction of the job sodium bicarbonate will do especially if it's combined with magnesium chloride and iodine as well as high levels of vitamin C.

1 comment:

  1. Sure, Simoncini made medical errors.
    Sure, not all cancers are white, as fungi are.

    But, he did not invent/discover the thesis that cancer cells behave differently in acidic or alkalysed environments.

    NaHCO3 affects cancer cells. The thesis has its merits, and its dangers.

    Just read what Ralph Moss says about it :,english/
