Sunday, April 25, 2010

Coley's Toxins - in french - SUPERB ADDRESSES germany


1. L'interdiction de nombreux médicaments (en homéopathie), le non remboursement de certaines thérapeutiques anti cancer éprouvées (viscum album, euchinécia, essiac, carzodélan, ozone etc.) et de compléments alimentaires et autres (carzodélan, amygdalin, produits beljanski, peroxydases de Solomidès, substances Naessens etc.) et la répression des médecins qui pratiquent les médecines non conventionnelles ainsi que les non médecins qui exercent des guérisons via thérapies non dangereuses, mais efficaces, doit stopper. Les exigences de la santé, de la dignité publique et des normes du Jus Cogens exigent.

2. Par contre, l'allopathie hégémonique et irresponsable doit être revue et corrigée par un panel de consommateurs, de thérapeutes et de scientifiques compétents ainsi que les expertises souvent complaisantes des agents de l'Etat concernant la diffusion des substances cancérigènes un peu partout, eau, air, humus, aliment, vos tissu adipeux, neurones etc

3. La présence de personnes compétentes, choisies par les usagers et leurs associations à l'Agence du médicament, la transparence des lobbies pharmaceutiques associée à cette Agence et la possibilité pour les patients de signaler directement à la pharmacovigilance les effets toxiques des médicaments sont d'autres actes a légiférer ainsi que les effets toniques et thérapeutiques des fruits et plantes gratos que la Nature nos offre gentillement

4. La résolution européenne sur l'intégrations des médecines non conventionnelles doivent être traduite en lois avec décrets d'applications y afférents, ainsi que les résolutions de l'OMS sur les médecines traditionnelles et en particulier, sur la médecine des plantes.

DÉMONSTRATION DU BIEN FONDÉ DE LA PÉTITION, TEXTES OFFICIELS À L'APPUI : "…. trente-cinq années d'efforts intenses, centrés essentiellement sur l'amélioration des traitements étaient considérées comme un échec patent ". le numéro 314 du New England Journal of Medicine, 1986. On continue : "Malgré l'énormité des moyens engagés depuis trente cinq ans par les pays occidentaux, la lutte contre le cancer est un échec ". (La Recherche, numéro 284, 1996). Trois ans plus tard, le même JAMA a publié une étude du Dr. Barbara Starfield de la prestigieuse John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health qui concluait que les erreurs médicales constituaient la troisième cause de mortalité aux Etats-Unis responsables d'environ 250,000 morts chaque année, chiffre qui ne comptabilise même par les décès cancer via traitements ratés, considérés conformes aux standards médicaux. Vol 284 Juillet 26, 2000, (Dr. Barbara Starfield de la John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health). Résultats officiels. Un homme et un animal sur deux aura un cancer dans sa vie. Et une femme sur trois.

NOM.........................................ADRESSE...................................SIGNATURE........ ..........OPINION.........


Il n’y a pas à mesurer le temps ici, une année ne vaut rien et dix ans ne sont rien. Etre artiste veut dire: ne pas calculer ni compter; mûrir comme l’arbre qui ne hâte pas sa sève et qui résiste, confiante, aux tempêtes du printemps sans craindre qu’après elles puisse ne pas venir l’été. Il arrive. Mais il n’arrive que pour ceux qui sont patients, qui sont là comme si l’éternité s’étendait devant eux, dans le calme et l’ouverture de l’insouciance. Je l’apprends tous les jours, je l’apprends dans une souffrance pour laquelle j’éprouve de la gratitude: la patience est tout!» R. Maria Rilke


Poumon tabagique, entaché par les poisons de l'Etat: benzyne, formaldehyde, coumarin, goudron, mercure, polonium etc.



Bertrand. Cancer du sein suite à une cancer du sein de sa mère

"En harmonie avec les atmosphères ma mère, je ressentais tout dans son studio, et son odeur de cancéreuse chronique, cancéreuse depuis 1989 au sein gauche elle décèdera en 96 après une résistance acharnée suite a une opération traumatique de fractures des jambes qui a contribué à avoir d’autres traitements acharnés, ablation du sein après rayons trop nombreux qui l'a laissét tenir sur un fil ; les rayons détruisent autant de cellules cancereuses que de cellules saines. Il m’est arrivé à avoir mal au sein gauche comme celui de ma mère ; qui avait tant besoin d’energie et de réconfort ; un psychiatre disait que le sein droit atteint, c’était une mauvaise entente avec les enfants et le sein gauche c’est une mauvaise entente avec le partenaire ou le mari , ce qui se confirma. Bref ! Au durcissement du mamelon ,j’ai cru à une montée de graisse, d’hormones, puis grossissement comme une noisette, avec une dureté du tendon du muscle pectoral, j'ai décidé de changer d’air, d’ameliorer mon autonomie, et puis j’ai vu mon ami Daniel qui m’a touché le sein en me disant d’aller voir un docteur, je me suis dit, que nul ne me connaît mieux que moi-même, je vais me prendre en charge , mème si j’ai des moments de grandes fatigues ; et puis je prèfère la réeducation active personnelle, en présence des anges de l’air, l’eau, le soleil et la terre ; alors je jeune simple liquide pour trois jours et je marche et je reçois des vitamines de l’air (ions négatifs) au dessus d’une cascade ; je me sens vivifié comme au bon parfum de fleurs, mes hormones fonctionnes, je salive ; je me sens léger prèt à défier quiconque dans la joie de vivre, désir de voler, mon air de réserve, ma bonne respiration avec la lumière de vie représente 90% de ma nourriture, j’élimine 70% par l’ air 20% par la peau ; vive cette nourriture invisible et les fortes belles couleurs de ces fleurs ; j’en oublie la tumeur en mangeant peu mais frais et les fréquences ont changées, le volume de noisette au sein est devenu comme un petit pois qui se ramoli à la préssion du mamelon, je ne ressens plus une douleur de brulure fulgurante comme celle du venin acide de serpent se sentant dans tout le bras a disparue, alors, ne plus la toucher je mettrais pour 2 jours , une gousse d’ail avec un clou de girofledans un sparadra fixé sous le mamelon en contact avec la peau ca aura mis 3 semaines entre l’apparition et la disparition avec un jeun au début à l’eau volcania (source du grand barbier, des volcants d’auvergnes eau avec peu de résidus sec < 100mg/l (54mg/l avec beaucoup de silice). Mon Alimentation: Eviter le mauvais aliment acidifiant, mort, non-conforme à la spécificité de l’étre humain frugivore aqueux (voir CUVIER) ceux qui sont trop charges de purines de putréfaction, qui détruisent la vie, congelés micro-ondés, trop cuits non reconnaissables tous ceux qui ne sont pas simples directs, crus vivants et entiers comme nous l’offre la nature vivante. Je suis actuelement végetalien-liquidien (fruits et légumes aqueux à 70% liquide) depuis Septembre 1984 Crudiste à 95% ( 5% =37 repas cuits sur 365x2=730 repas par an) j’ai été crudiste à 1OO % pendant 6 ANS , 4 mois ,,,,(CA VA FAIRE 20 ans DEJA). Pendant les 3 semaines j’ai maigri de 4 kilos et j’ai repris la natation sans douleurs coté gauche , je revie plus intensément chaque instant, mes poils blancs de ma moustache et de ma barbe deviennent rajeuni... youpi,,,,,,, ètre à la bonne-heure VIVA LA VILDA".


(en attendant une rubrique à part, problème technique actuellement)

Sur plus d'une centaine d'approches alternatives en cancérologie, qui ont été démontrées comme étant scientifiquement en cliniquement supérieures à l'allopathie hégémonique de l'Etat, ci-après l'approche des toxines ou vaccins du Dr Coley, ce qui fait suite à la demande d'André.

Nous commençons notre démonstration par cette approche, car non seulement le Dr Coley est l'un des pères fondateurs de l'immunologie, mais cette approche peu couteuse est l'une des plus logiques et efficaces en matière de cancérologie.

Un peu d'histoire.

Coley (William B., 1962-1936)

Chirurgien américain qui deviendra chef de service des tumeurs osseuses au memorial hospital de New York, il a une brillante carrière malgré l'échec du traitement des cancers. C'est dans les années 1890, alors que la chirurgie est encore le seul traitement des tumeurs malignes, qu'il observe la régression d'un cancer du cou (qui avait récidivé après plusieurs interventions) à la suite d'une infection par streptocoque donnant un érysipèle. Alors que les cancers sont rattachés à une possible origine infectieuse et que l'immunothérapie des cancers commence à être essayée, le Dr Coley retrouve dans la littérature des cas comparables et inocule des streptocoques à des malades cancéreux pour provoquer l'infection. Il observe quelques rémissions mais aussi des accidents, ce qui le conduit à remplacer l'inoculation de bactéries vivantes et virulentes par des germes inactivés présentés sous forme de toxines qui prennent son nom. Différentes préparations sont proposées et utilisées avec succès. Toutefois, après quelques résultats dits fragmentaires, les toxines de coley seront abandonnées à partir de 1910 par le "establishment", avec le développement de la radiothérapie et une opposition déterminée du directeur de recherche du memorial hospital James Ewing, malgré les efforts de leur promoteur (même "black out" pour Tesla). Après la création en 1953 du New York cancer research institute (grâce à un don de Nelson Rockfeller) consacré à l'immunologie des tumeurs malignes, sa fille Helen Nauts

ne réussira pas à les relancer durablement ni à empêcher qu'elles soient classées en 1965 comme " remèdes non prouvés"'. Dans les années 1980, des médecins chinois s'y intéresseront de nouveau comme une ' immunothérapie économique pour le tiers-monde '. Des études récentes ont suggéré que les effets observés avec les toxines de coley pouvaient être dus au facteur nécrosant des tumeurs (tnf).

Mécanisme d'action.

Tout simple. Comme on l'a vu au Congrès de Marcevol, le provocation de la fièvre de façon artificielle fonctionne pour la simple raison qu'une cellule cancéreuse est plus faible devant la chaleur qu'une cellule saine, comme pour l'oxygène, l'urine, la restriction protéique ciblée, enzymes, certaines molécules et plantes etc. Le mécanisme de la fièvre est semblable à l'hyperthermie, que l'on utilise beaucoup en naturopathie. Élévation locale ou générale de la température du corps, au-dessus du chiffre normal de 37-37,5° celsius (on parle de fièvre quand elle traduit une maladie), l'hyperthermie a été depuis longtemps proposée pour traiter les cancers. Le papyrus médical égyptien "Edwin-Smith", vieux de près de quatre mille ans, rapporte une tentative de traitement d'un cancer du sein à l'aide d'une ' tige chauffée '. Hippocrate en fait état dans ses aphorismes et, à sa suite, plusieurs médecins proposeront de ' cautériser ' certaines tumeurs superficielles, mais il faut attendre le xix siècle pour que l'hyperthermie trouve réellement une place dans le traitement des cancers, après Bichat pour qui "... il est vrai que la fièvre soit un instrument de guérison", et partisan de la " pyrétothérapie". A ce moment, des médecins observent des cas de régression, voire quelques guérisons d'authentiques de cancers à la suite de grands états fébriles occasionnés par des infections. On cherche alors à créer des fièvres artificielles, principalement à l'aide de toxines, dont la plus utilisée fut celle du Dr Coley. Mais l'hégémonie de la radiothérapie étouffe le developpement de cette approche, jusque dans les années 1960-1970, à la lumière de solides études scientifiques, l'hyperthermie anticancéreuse renaît de ses cendres. Les chercheurs démontrent qu'une élévation thermique de 6 à 8°c au dessus de 37°c, maintenue plusieurs heures, est toxique pour les cellules de mammifères et donc pour les cellules tumorales. Les cellules à ph bas, celles en phase de synthèse du cycle cellulaire ou celles vivant en milieu appauvri paraissent plus sensibles à cette action toxique. Or ce sont les cellules les plus difficiles à détruire par les rayonnements ionisants. Les modes d'action respectifs de l'hyperthermie et de la radiothérapie se révèlent donc complémentaires, tandis que des études en laboratoire montrent que l'hyperthermie augmente l'efficacité de la radiothérapie. Ce même effet potentialisateur s'observe quand l'hyperthermie accompagne certains médicaments de chimiothérapie."Les bases théoriques de l'hyperthermie en cancérologie sont donc prometteuses et les premiers essais cliniques commencent dans les années 1970. Grâce à divers appareils, utilisant les micro-ondes, les radio-fréquences ou les ultra-sons, on parvient à chauffer de façon satisfaisante des tumeurs superficielles et à améliorer les résultats de la radiothérapie associée ou meme d'autres thérapies de terrain, par exemple pour les récidives locales de cancer du sein. L'hyperthermie interstitielle, qui chauffe les tumeurs à l'aide de sondes implantées et s'associe à la curiethérapie, est aussi efficace; mais cette technique est limitée par l'impossibilité d'implanter sondes ou antennes dans bien des tumeurs malignes. Les tumeurs profondes, dans le thorax ou l'abdomen, échappent aux possibilités de l'hyperthermie classique. Toutefois, avec la technique du sport intense, des bains de vapeurs, des bains chaud et des toxine infectueuse, l'on peut avoir raison de tout cancer, surtout s'il ces techniques sont accompagnées d'autres thérapies de terrain que nous avons vu au Congrès de Marcevol et que nous re-examineraont.

Pour information et pour les novices, rappelons que les maladies infectieuses, provoquées par la pénétration dans un organisme d'un micro-organisme (bactérie , virus , parasite ou champignon ), ont longtemps été plus fréquentes que les cancers, entraînant beaucoup plus de décès. Ainsi, il est paradoxal qu'une bonne infection controlée peut faire fondre un cancer, telle une pneumonie. Toutefois, prudence oblige vu que beaucoup de personnes atteintes de cancer sont immuno-compromises. En effet, les infections chroniques peuvent à la longue provoquer l'apparition d'un cancer comme on l'observe sur le col de l'utérus. Ce sont surtout les virus qui jouent un rôle déterminant, connu depuis longtemps chez l'animal , en particulier la souris , reconnu depuis les années 1960 chez l'homme. Le virus d'epstein- barr, celui de l'hépatite , les papillomavirus sont aujourd'hui mis en cause à l'origine de cancers variés, particulièrement nombreux dans le tiers-monde. Le rôle d'helicobacter pilori pour le cancer de l'estomac ou du bacille de la typhoïde pour divers cancers est encore mal élucidé. Chez un patient atteint de cancer, l'infection est fréquente, sous forme d'une maladie ou simplement d'une anomalie provoquée par un agent infectieux étranger à l'organisme. Elle est le produit d'un déséquilibre entre le micro-organisme et les défenses de l'individu. d'ordinaire, un individu normal présente une infection après rencontre avec un agent virulent. les maladies infectieuses sont fréquentes chez les enfants, encore immatures d'un point de vue immunologique, non immunisés. Cette situation se rencontre encore dans le tiers-monde, aggravée par la sous-alimentation. dans les pays développés. Le premier contact avec un agent infectieux, ou primo-infection, peut être inapparent et l'agent, en particulier un virus, peut rester présent dans l'organisme sans provoquer de maladie, à l'état latent. On rencontre aussi des infections opportunistes où un germe peu virulent, ou jusque là latent, profite d'une diminution des défenses de l'organisme pour se multiplier et entraîner une infection locale, comme un abcès , ou générale, comme une septicémie . De nombreuses causes favorisent une infection au cours d'un cancer. La plus fréquente est un ulcère qui constitue une ouverture dans l'épithélium protecteur de la peau ou des muqueuses et permet l'accès direct des microbes dans les tissus environnants. Cela s'observe pour beaucoup de tumeurs (carcinomes ) situées dans des cavités qui ne sont pas stériles : la bouche , la gorge (voies aéro-digestives supérieures), les bronches , le tube digestif , les organes génitaux externes. L'ulcération d'un cancer du côlon , au contact des matières fécales en grande partie constituées de bactéries, s'accompagne d'une infection locale inévitable . des causes générales peuvent aussi fragiliser un cancéreux et le rendre vulnérable. certains cancers des cellules du sang s'accompagnent d'une insuffisance de l'immunité cellulaire, comme la maladie de hodgkin , ou bien des anticorps , comme le myélome ou la leucémie lymphoïde chronique. chez d'autres sujets le déficit immunitaire est dû à un affaiblissement général ou à la toxicité temporaire d'un traitement. les défenses sont aussi affaiblies par une diminution importante des globules blancs due à un envahissement métastatique de la moelle osseuse ou à une chimiothérapie . Dans tous ces cas l'infection peut être provoquée par un microbe habituellement virulent ou par un germe normalement peu ou non virulent, mais qui profite de la faiblesse du malade et de ses moyens de défense pour déterminer une infection opportuniste. L'évolution d'une infection dépend du rapport des forces en présence : la virulence du microbe, la faiblesse des défenses de l'organisme cancéreux. ces infections sont en partie prévenues en dépistant et en traitant de petits foyers infectieux, par exemple sur les dents : on évite ainsi leur aggravation lors d'une détérioration du malade. Les infections associées à un cancer sont parfois une complication, mais elles ne font souvent que traduire une situation grave. Exceptionnellement une infection s'accompagne d'une rémission du cancer. De telles observations ont encouragé des recherches en immunothérapie ou en hyperthermie.

L'effet thérapeutique des toxines bactériennes contre les cancers a été observé dès le XIXème siècle chez des patients cancéreux. Un mélange de toxines provenant de Serratia marcescens (Bacillus prodigiousus) et de Streptococcus, filtrées et inactivées par la chaleur, a été utilisé pour traiter des patients atteints de carcinomes et de sarcomes. (Coley W.B. et coll., J. Am. Med. Assoc.1898). La présence de lipopolysaccharides dans les toxines de Coley a été mise en évidence (Shear M.J. et coll., J. Nath. Cancer. Inst., 1943). La caractérisation de la structure des LPS a permis l'identification du lipide A (Westphal O. et coll., Bakterien Angew chem,1954) et sa synthèse chimique (Imoto M. et coll., Tetrahedron letters. 1984).

Structure: Les lipopolysaccharides (LPS) font partie des éléments constitutifs de la paroi des bactéries. Les LPS sont composés de trois régions structurellement et génétiquement distinctes. Le polysaccharide antigénique O est constitué de séquences oligosaccharidiques répétées, responsables de l'activité antigénique des LPS. Cette partie permet le sérotypage des bactéries (Rietschel E. T. et coll., Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 1985). Le core oligosaccharidique (ou KDO) constitue le lien entre la chaine O spécifique et le lipide A. Cette région et le lipide A jouent un rôle fondamental dans la croissance et la survie des bactéries. Le lipide A ancre la molécule de LPS à la membrane des bactéries. Le lipide A de E.coli est constitué d'une diglucosamine sous forme pyranose liée par une liaison b(1')r( 6), portant 4 fonctions hydroxytétradécanoyle en position 2,3,2',3' et 2 résidus phosphorylés en positions 1 et 4'. Un traitement acide de la liaison cétose entre le core et le lipide A permet l'obtention du lipide A des entérobactéries. La partie active des endotoxines bactériennes est constituée par le lipide A qui mime à lui seul les principes endotoxiques des LPS et permet l'expression de la majorité des effets physiopathologiques de la molécule de LPS complète ( Zärhinger U. et coll., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. Biochem. 1994).

Mécanismes d'action spécifiques: Effets des protéines de liaison : Le LPS injecté in vivo peut se lier à différentes protéines du sérum telles que les lipoprotéines de grandes densité (HDL), les lipoprotéines de faibles densité (LDL) ou les BPi (Bactericidal-permeability-increasing protein). L'association du LPS à ces dernières diminue son activité (Marra M.N. et coll., J. Immunol. 1992). En revanche, l'albumine, la transferrine, l'hémoglobine ne modifient pas son activité (Bélanger M. et coll., Infect. Immun. 1995). Une augmentation significative de l'activité des LPS et lipides A est observée après liaison aux LBP (LPS binding protein), glycoprotéines sériques qui forment des complexes de haute affinité avec les LPS (Tobias P.S. et coll., J. Biol. Chem. 1989 ; Wright S.D. et coll., Science.1990).

Les récepteurs aux LPS : Différents récepteurs aux LPS ont été identifiés : Le récepteur CD11/CD18 (b2) fait partie de la famille des intégrines. Ce récepteur forme un hétérodimère transmembranaire dont l'expression est restreinte aux leucocytes. La fixation du LPS sur ce récepteur induit la translocation nucléaire du facteur de transcription NF-kB (Flaherty F. et coll., J.Surg. Res.1997). Le récepteur CD14 est le principal récepteur aux LPS et aux lipides A. Cette protéine glycosylée de 55 kDa associée à un phosphatidylinositol est présente à la surface des cellules phagocytaires (Wright S.D. et coll., Science. 1990). Ce récepteur existe également sous forme soluble et est capable de se fixer sur des cellules qui en sont déficientes, comme les cellules endothéliales. L'utilisation d'anticorps dirigés contre le CD14 inhibe la capacité des LPS à stimuler les cellules phagocytaires (inhibition de la production de TNFa) ainsi que les cellules endothéliales (Wright S.D. et coll., Science.1990 ; Ingalls R.R. et coll., Immunology. 1999). La fixation du LPS sur ce récepteur induit la translocation nucléaire de NF-kB et la libération de c-Rel, facteurs de transcription de séquences d'ADN codant des cytokines proinflammatoires comme l'IL-6 (Libermann T.A. et coll., Mol. cell. biol. 1990). La fixation du LPS sur CD14 augmente également l'expression de la NOSi (NO-synthase inductible) et de l'IL-1b des macrophages intrapéritonéaux, alvéolaires et des monocytes du sang périphérique chez le rat (Takai N. et coll., J. Leukoc. Biol. 1997). CD14 est également être considéré comme un co-récepteur, associé notamment aux récepteurs TOLL.

Les récepteurs Toll ou TLR (Toll like receptor) ont été récemment décrit comme des récepteurs aux LPS. Parmis les six récepteurs que comporte cette famille, seuls le TLR2 et le TLR4 sont capables de fixer les LPS.

Le TLR2 fixe majoritairement les lipoprotéines présentes sur les bactéries GRAM (+), GRAM (-) et les mycoplasmes (Akira S. et coll., Nature Immunol. 2001). Il peut également interagir avec CD 14 et se lier soit au LPS seul, soit au complexe LPS/LBP (Yang R.B.. et coll., Nature.1998). Il ne semble cependant pas nécessaire à la fixation des LPS lorsque le TLR4 est présent, et son rôle n'est pas encore clairement établi (Hirschfeld M. et coll., J. Immunol. 2000). Le TLR4 transduit majoritairement le signal initié par la fixation du LPS (Lien E. et coll., J. Clin. Invest. 2000). La voie de signalisation intracellulaire des récepteurs TOLL est proche de celle des récepteurs à l'IL-1. Elle induit le recrutement de nombreuses protéines comme MyD88, IRAK , TRAF-6.... La liaison du LPS sur ce récepteur induit la translocation de NF-kB (p50/p65) dans le noyau et l'activation d'AP-1 (c-Fos/c-Jun) (Guha M. et coll., Cell Signal. 2000 ; Akira S. et coll., Nature Immunol. 2001).

Il semble que les récepteurs CD11b/CD18, CD14 et TOLL collaborent étroitement à l'expression des gènes codant pour la COX-2 (Cycloxygénase inductible), l'IL-12p35, l'IL-12p40, IFNg des macrophages (Perera P.Y. et coll., J.Immunol. 2001). Les autres voies de signalisations : Le LPS peut activer les protéines G, ainsi que les phospholipases C et D, responsables de la formation de diacyl-glycérol et d'inositol triphosphate, seconds messagers intracellulaires induisant l'activation de la protéine kinase C. Le LPS serait également responsable de la phosphorylation et de l'activation d'autres kinases comme les tyrosines kinases (Chow C.W. et coll., New Horiz. 1995), ERK1, ERK2 et p38 (Arditi M. et coll., J.Immunol. 1995).

Effets des LPS sur la réponse immunitaire antitumorale. Effets sur l'immunité innée antitumorale. En tant que constituant de la paroi bactérienne, le lipide A comme le LPS sont reconnus par les cellules du système immunitaire et sont capables de les activer. Les macrophages jouent un rôle essentiel dans la réponse immunitaire non spécifique (innée) et, de par leur fonction de " scavengers ", constituent une première ligne de défense avant la mise en place de la réponse immunitaire adaptative, spécifique. Le LPS se fixant aux récepteurs CD14/TLR, permet la transduction du signal intracellulaire aboutissant à la transcription des gènes responsables de l'activation des macrophages (Introna M. et coll., J. Immunol. 1986). Le LPS est en outre capable d'induire la transduction d'autres signaux régulant les fonctions des macrophages (Hamilton T.A. et coll., J. Cell Physiol. 1996). Il en résulte ainsi une activation des cellules macrophagiques, principales cellules capables de phagocyter et d'éliminer aspécifiquement les antigènes étrangers, ainsi que les cellules mortes, leurs débris, ou des cellules tumorales.

Le LPS stimule également la production de cytokines comme le TNFa , premier médiateur de son activité antitumorale (Yang D. et coll., Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 1994). La production de monoxyde d'azote (NO), médiateur toxique notamment pour les cellules tumorales, est également augmentée par le LPS (Aybay C. et coll., FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. 1998).

Les cellules NK (Natural Killer) participent également à la réponse innée et sont dotés d'une activité cytotoxique spontanée contre les cellules tumorales (Hebermann R.B. et coll., Science 1981). Activés in vitro, ils se différencient en LAK (Lymphocyte-activated killer). Après injection du LPS de E.coli ou du lipide A de P.gingivalis chez la souris, les NK isolés ont une activité in vitro augmentée (Ogawa T. et coll., Microbiology 1994).

Effets sur l'immunité antitumorale spécifique.La réponse immunitaire antitumorale spécifique dépend de la capture des antigènes tumoraux par les cellules dendritiques, de leur différenciation et migration dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires, et de la présentation de ces antigènes à des lymphocytes T. Les endotoxines pourraient représenter un " signal danger ", ou second signal, qui favoriserait la différenciation des cellules dendritiques immatures (Matzinger P. et coll., Semin. Immunol. 1998, De Smedt T. et coll., J.Exp. med. 1996), et par conséquent l'induction de la réponse immunitaire antitumorale. De plus, les effets proapoptotiques du LPS ayant été rapportés pour de nombreux types cellulaires (Kato Y. et coll., FEMBS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. 1997, Zhang Y.H. et coll., Infect. Immun. 1993), il est possible que cette molécule agisse directement sur les cellules tumorales, provoquant la mort d'une partie d'entre elles, permettant la libération d'antigènes tumoraux nécessaires à l'induction de la réponse immunitaire.

Il a également été montré que le LPS pouvait induire la prolifération des LT CD8+ et CD4+, constituants essentiels de l'immunité spécifique et la sécrétion d'interféron a ou b ainsi que la surexpression à la membrane de CD69 (Tough D.F. et coll., J.Exp. Med. 1997, Vogel S.N. et coll., J.Immunol. 1983). (L'implication et l'activation des lymphocytes B dans la régression tumorale médiée par les LPS reste très peu documentée à ce jour).

Effets sur la production de cytokines : L'observation de l'effet antitumoral des LPS se traduit in vivo par des nécroses hémorragiques au niveau des tumeurs et dépend du TNF-a, principale cytokine produite au cours du traitement par LPS. La sensibilité des lignées tumorales au TNF-a conditionne ainsi très largement l'efficacité des traitements à base d'endotoxines (Gratia A. et coll., C.R. Soc. Biol. 1931). Par contre, l'injection d'anticorps anti-TNFa n'inhibe pas l'effet antitumoral du LPS. Le mécanisme d'action du TNF-a semble donc indirect (Sato K. et coll., Jpn J. cancer Res. 1995). Les cellules endothéliales traitées par le LPS sont capables d'induire la sécrétion d'IFN-g par les lymphocytes T in vitro (Tennenberg S.D. et coll., J. Surg. Res. 1996). De plus, l'injection d'anticorps anti-IFNg inhibe la régression tumorale induite par le LPS dans un modèle de sarcome Meth A chez la souris BALB/c. En outre, des cellules Meth A insensibles à l'IFN-g, ne sont pas rejetées lors du traitement par le LPS. L'IFN-g a donc un effet direct sur l'immunogénécité des cellules tumorales et sur l'efficacité du traitement (Dighe A.S. et coll., Immunity. 1994). L'IL-1b, principalement sécrétée par les macrophages, peut aussi être libérée par les cellules dendritiques, les cellules endothéliales, les NK, et les lymphocytes lors du traitement par le LPS ou le lipide A. Cette cytokine a un effet directement cytotoxique contre les cellules tumorales et son efficacité en association avec l'IFN-g a également été démontrée in vivo contre le mélanome B16 chez la souris C57BL/6 (Brunda M.J. et coll., J. Immunother. emphasis Tumor Immunol. 1994).

La mort des cellules cancéreuses est donc un évènement essentiel pour l'induction d'une réponse immunitaire spécifique. La grande chaleur provoqué par du sport intense, par des infections, par l'hyperthermie est une arme redoutable que la cancérologie orthodoxe néglige.

Nous, le peuple, réclamons du chaud. Du soleil. La chaleur fait murir la réponse immunitaire, encourage la maturation des cellules dendritiques, activation des macrophages, (signal danger) et contribue a faire "fondre" une tumeur et ses métastase.

Parmis des milliers de personnes guéries par cette méthode, voici un témoignage, une personne atteinte d'un lymphome guérie à la clinique de Chipsa au Mexique.

This is an account of a person with lymphoma who has undergone Coley toxins treatment,
in her own words.

After an unsuccessful chemo for her mantle cell lymphoma, Michele went to the CHIPSA hospital in Mexico and was treated with a variety of alternatives there; most notably Coley's toxins.] (Michele’s voice): I could tell you tons about CHIPSA and probably will over time, as I spent a long five weeks there, but it sounds like you mostly want to hear about Coleys. I didn't start Coleys until after two weeks at CHIPSA. They want to get you detoxed with the diet and with the coffee enemas first. I also had hydrotherapy sessions which got my temp up to >105 degrees 3x/week. I was on IV urea, vit C and Laetrile. We did high dose vit A. I had the mercury amalgams removed from my teeth. I had Coleys intravenously 2x/week after the first two weeks.

I went to the ICU after breakfast, got in bed, got hooked up to EKG, finger oximetry, rectal temperature probe. The ICU doc gave me an IV "piggyback" containing 0.02ml of Coleys in saline. I don't know their source of the Coleys. It took about a half hour to run in. About an hour after it ran in I would start to feel very cold; not just unpleasantly cold but cold to the core, like you are dead cold. No amount of blankets or heating pads really helped. Then I would start to feel extremely achy, like you have the flu, but worse. Then the shaking chills would start, uncontrollable. Mine weren’t as bad as some people's. Lasted about half hour, I guess. You really have no sense of time in there. What was the worst for me was that I would get really terrible backaches and the worst headaches I ever had. They can't give you anything for them , because they won't give narcotics, and anti-inflammatories halt the Coleys action. The few other people who did Coleys while I was there had worse chills but no severe pains. After the chills stopped then my temperature would go up. Mine never got higher than ~102-103, most people got higher temps than me. After about 2-3 hours of all this severe discomfort I would ask them to please give me something to stop it and they would give me IV Toradol, an anti-inflammatory, which would almost instantly relieve my pain. Then they would continue to monitor me for an hour or so, have me take a "coffee break" (enema) advise me to take coffee break every 2 hrs that day, and send me back to my room. I did this twice a week. It was hell. Sometimes they would also inject it subcutaneously into my enlarged cervical nodes.

When I went home I continued, to this day, taking Coleys ; though taking it sub-q does not produce the severe reaction, except as I will explain. I had enlarged nodes under my right jawbone that reduced while I was there. Also some smaller cervical ones. I had to inject my self around the nodes one week (that was hard!), and the next week I just did it in the abdomen (piece of cake). Just one time a week. The injection sites became extremely inflamed , swollen and painful. Clay packs help a little.

Unfortunately, over the next four months, I got worse. I was having some toll from the strict diet, eating problems from my dental work, my nodes were getting larger and larger. The node, now tumor, under my jaw was now ~4inches long. But I kept at it. I was continuing to have bi-monthly bloodwork and telephone consultations with my CHIPSA doc. Then, about 3 times in a row that I injected Coleys into my tumor, which was apparently quite vascular, I had strong reactions, with the chills, aches etc. Apparently hitting a blood vessel. Probably not incidentally, at the same time I also stopped working at my very stressful nursing job. For what ever reason, all of a sudden, within several weeks, my tumor and all nodes melted away. My regular onc doc was "astounded" (his words - although he still does not want to know exactly what I am doing.) I am not in remission. I still have abdominal nodes that are enlarged although they went down by half during this time. I don’t know what my bone marrow is doing because I don’t see the need to poke me just to be curious. My blood counts are low since chemo but improving on some new stuff I'm on now called Hobioguin, expensive, but not as expensive as Neupogen. I have fatigue, but otherwise feel OK. I don’t follow the strict Gerson diet anymore (though I should be), but I do all the meds and juices and coffee enemas (1-3x/day).

Total cost of my CHIPSA hospitalization - 31,000 dollars. Some insurance coverage, but I'm having another company intervening for me to get the most we can. Coleys alone was $3000. I probably spend ~$2000 a month on my therapy - organic foods, meds, etc. One final note before my eyes fall out (it's very late): My CHIPSA doc is absolutely wonderful. He would go to the moon and back if there was a treatment there that might help me. They don't care who gets the glory. They want to give holistic and all encompassing treatment, including chemo if need be. They now are doing new vaccines, lots of other stuff, always changing as new things come available. I would probably go back there before I would try any of the mainstream things. [P.S. I know lymphoma has spontaneous regressions . I don't really care what caused my regression, I'm just grateful that it happened.]

My dosage has always been the same - .02ml, or 2units on an insulin syringe. And that's the same whether it was IV or Sub-Q. Although once at CHIPSA, they gave it both IV and SQ .02ml in each . I guess I don't know for sure, but I believe that's the standard dose, not based on weight. I'll ask Dr. Carreño when I talk to him in late June. When I got home and was doing it myself, and not having the strong reaction that I would get after IV, I remember asking Dr. Carreño if I could up the dose, and even contemplated doing it anyway. But he convinced me that it was still producing the desired inflammatory response in my various WBCs. But all the while I was doing this, my tumors were growing. I looked like I had a large hot dog bun attached to my jawline! But I kept doing it. The injections would cause a severe and painful local inflammation - my jawline/neck would be even more swollen, and now red, hot and hard. Clay packs (also prescribed by CHIPSA) helped, but it was hard to keep them on. Finally, as I said, for whatever reason - about 6 months after starting all this, the nodes (8 - 10 of them) and the large tumor melted away, softened up then disappeared.

Actually, I felt it was much worse than the CHOP I had, which I tolerated quite well. The reaction after the IV treatments is the worst physical feeling I've ever had, and the pain and inflammation of the local injections are significant. But I'm also a big baby. As far as the opiates for the severe headaches and back pain - a basic premise of Gerson and CHIPSA therapy is that all drugs are "toxic", at a time when I was working so hard to get detoxed. But it does seem a little inhumane now that I think about it. But I do know that several of the patients that were there with me came in on opiates and by the time they left, required much less or no opiates. I lived through it.

[Did they shoot it deep into the tumor, or just lightly under the skin?] Both. If a node was small, they taught me to shoot it from 2 angles, under the skin, on either side aimed toward the node. When the node/tumor got bigger I could just push the needle straight in. I was using an insulin syringe which had a 5/8" needle, very small, as far as needles go . When I had several small nodes, I would prepare the usual syringe, 2units of Coleys diluted with 30 to 48 units of saline (0.32ml to 0.5ml total volume) and inject part of it into one place and part of it into another place. The amt. of dilutant need not be exact. When my tumor got big I would inject it in several places. And it was big so I could plunge it in deep. I was worried about hitting something important in there but Dr. Carreño reassured me that the needle was so small I couldn't damage anything, and the worst I could do was get an inadvertent IV dose.

Autumn-Winter 1998
I am hoping that this information will be of use to those among people with lymphoma who are willing to try an alternative treatment which deserves its accepted place in the treatment of lymphoma, as well as to those researchers who may have the means to organize a trial. This inexpensive substance could prove to be especially helpful in countries where the upcoming high tech treatments like antibodies will not be within reach of most of the people afflicted with lymphoma. And such a trial would benefit us all, since the treatments of advanced low grade lymphoma so far do not show the promise of a cure. In the meantime, it is up to us pioneers to try the treatment in the few centers where it is available, and report to others on the results.
Coley toxins can be of use for other cancers as well, particularly sarcomas, melanoma, and some forms of kidney and ovarian cancer. It may also be of use in other immunosuppressive chronic conditions, and depression.

Blessings on all who dare!

En automne 1998, Michelle a atteint la "rémission".


Cancer Research Institute
681 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 800-99CANCER (1-800-992-2623)

The Waisbren Clinic
Burton A. Waisbren Sr. MD, FACP
2315 North Lake Drive
Room 815, Seton Tower
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211
Phone: 414-272-1929

This immunotherapy clinic has been in operation since the
early 70s. They offer a combination of immunotherapies,
Coley's toxins among them. The toxins are made at the
clinic according to specifications posted on their web
site. Dr Waisbren began to experiment with the use of a
mixed bacterial vaccine originally developed to boost the
immune system of burn victims. He added Coley's toxins
several years later as they came to his attention.
According to his published studies, only some of his
patients receive the toxins. He says that Mrs. Nauts feels
that the best results would be obtained by the
administration three times weekly that would alternate
subcutaneous, interdermal and intravenous applications.
They have been unable to follow a regular regimen with
most patients. They give the patient 1 ml of the toxins
subcutaneously; no mention is made of titrating the amount
upwards depending on response. Dr Waisbren has been
monitoring the results of his patients over time. He
published a paper covering his early results with a
variety of cancers. And the web site contains a paper that
summarizes the results of treatments during the last 7
years (go to "downloads," then get the file named
Immunotherapy and Cancer). Several patients with lymphoma
were treated; three are long lived but they all had other
treatments. Unfortunately, most patients that come to the
clinic are in bad shape. Only a few clear-cut successes
have been recorded. Dr Waisbren is an internist trained in
immunology. The web site provides his detailed credentials
and experience. He has published a number of papers.
Treatments are only done on site, except for those
substances that have been FDA approved and can be given by
the patients' local physicians.


Wayne Martin
25 Orchard Dr.
Fairhope, AL 36532
Fax: 334-928-0150

Mr Martin is extremely knowledgeable about Coley toxins.
He is retired and devoting his time and resources in
helping cancer patients find alternatives that work. In
his youth he witnessed a trial against a doctor who used
unconventional therapies, and resolved then that some day,
he would help turn the tide. He has been in contact with
patients and doctors worldwide for a number of years now.
Mr Martin is the key contact for physicians who either
want to learn to make their own toxins, or who want to
secure a supply to try the substance with their patients.
He will also help patients secure a supply of the toxins
in Guatemala if the patient desires to self-administer the
treatment. Mr Martin has been contacted lately by many
patients who hear about him on Gary Null's show, and has
spent a considerable amount of money and time responding
to requests, without nary a word of response or thanks.
Please contact him only if you are serious about pursuing
the toxins and cannot find your information anywhere else.


Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine
152 East 55th Street
New York, NY 10022
fax 212-754-4284

Atkins Center is in Manhattan, and has been operating
since the early 80s. The clinic treat all degenerative
disorders including cancer. They use many modalities,
including nutritional changes, supplements, IV drips,
herbs, enzymes, oxygenation, ukrain, urea, Coley's toxins,
and others. The clinic began to use the toxins about a
year ago, but has recently been unable to get a steady
supply (coming from Guatemala), and has had to turn
patients away. Their new patient department is difficult
to reach. I am hoping to get a copy of an article on Coley
toxins their newsletter published a while back. They
administer Coley toxins three times a week. The patient is
in the clinic from about 8 to mid-afternoon. They hook the
patient up to a vitamin drip, then push the toxins through
the IV tubing into the vein. The first week, the patient
gets small doses to assess the response. The second week
they begin to escalate the doses for optimum reaction. The
pattern is three weeks on, one week off to rest. They also
monitor the bloodwork regularly each week. Some insurances
covers much of what they offer, including the toxins. (A
patient having a BC/BS plan reported about 40-50%


Donald J. Carrow MD
Florida Institute of Health in Tampa
(formerly Florida Preventive Health Services, Inc.)
4908 Creekside Dr. #A
Clearwater, FL 34620

Dr Carrow uses the toxins in combination with small doses
of Cytoxan (I heard secondhand that it is 25mg orally) for
lymphoma. Two years ago he was able to shrink a football
sized underarm node of a woman who remains in remission,
by injecting the toxins into the tumor directly. He will
do phone consults. (He also appears on a Talk Radio show
called Here's To Your Health!). Dr Carrow makes his own
toxins. He has been harassed by the FDA and does not wish
an influx of cancer patients seeking alternatives. His
fees are more reasonable, however, than those of the
Mexican clinics, and if you would like to be treated
there, please contact Wayne Martin first. Treatment would
necessitate living in the Clearwater area for about 3


Innovative Therapeutics
2020 Franklin Street
PO Box 512
Carlyle, IL 62231

They provide various products directly to physicians.
Listed in the Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to
Cancer as one of the the contacts. They tell me they do
not carry any bacterial vaccine. When I asked them if they
are listed in the book by mistake, they referred me to
People Against Cancer.

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus F. Kölmel
von-Siebold-Strasse 3
37075 Göttingen
Phone: +49-0551-39-6081; Fax: +49-0551-39-6092.

Professor Kölmel undertook a trial of the toxins in
advanced melanoma, which was published in 1991. (See file
on " research" for the detailed abstract.) Of 15 patients,
3 attained a complete and lasting remission. Despite such
encouraging results, professor Kölmel and his associates
have stopped any further work on the toxins because "it
was not in the mainstream." Asked whether he still
believed the Coley's toxin method to be valid, Kölmel
responded" "The file is not yet closed." Kölmel adds that
they have stopped such treatment because the supplier was
not willing to manufacture the medication anymore. "Since
melanoma is now treated with well aimed vaccinations and
other sophisticated combinations of cytotoxic agents with
various cytokines, the situation politically does not
allow a simple treatment such as Coley's." (A friend
recently contacted prof. Kölmel by letter and phone, and
the quotes come from that communication.)

I note with interest that Coley's toxins, which had been
sold OTC in Germany as a fever inducer at the cost of
about $2 per dose under the name Vaccineurin, were
discontinued by the manufacturer in 1991, the same year
that saw the publication of the melanoma study. Was this
simply an unfortunate coincidence, or was there pressure
applied by those profiting from high tech melanoma
treatments? And how is it that mainstream medicine can
ignore a treatment that can save the lives of 20%
metastatic melanoma patients with minimal side effects?!

Fachklinik "Leonardis"
Albstrasse 9
70806 Kornwestheim

It has recently come to my attention that there are
several German clinics that still have stockpiles of
Vaccineurin. Leonardis is one of them. A contact reports
to me that it is a very competent clinic which specializes
in hyperthermia and immunotherapies. For more information
on his experience, see the report by Anonymous. The cost
of the stay is about 500 DM per day. They will only treat
after they have ascertained that the patient is
immunocompetent, with T-helper cells not lower than

Freie Universität Berlin
Klinik für Naturheilkunde und Allgemeinmedizin
Kranenhaus Moabit
IV. Innere Abteilung
Turmstrasse 21
10559 Berlin
Tel: 49-30-3976-3400
Fax: 49-30-3976-3409

This clinic has had extensive experience with the toxins,
but unfortunately their stock of Vaccineurin is shrinking.
They report that Vaccineurin was distributed in Germany
until 1995. They also use a similar vaccine developed by
Cologne University which is based on "propioni bacteria."
Costs for staying at this clinic are about 600 DM per day
(I don't yet have Euro figures.) One treatment requires 2
days' stay. They ask for immunological and hematological
lab work prior to admission, and usually treat up to 10

Specialklinik Höhenkirchen für Naturheilverfahren
Bahnhofstrasse 16
85635 Höhenkirchen
Tel.: 08102/8930
Fax: 08102/89384

This clinic uses intravenous toxins administered twice a
week. Patients usually stay several weeks. They also
provide a complement of other holistic therapies ranging
from diet, acupuncture, relaxation, homeopathy and others.
Costs are about 300 DM per day.

Klinik Graal-Müritz
Postfach 3201
18175 Graal-Müritz
Tel: 038206/750
Fax: 038206/75175

This is a rehabilitation clinic for post-treatment cancer
patients. They use the toxins but only very rarely.

(Centro Hospitalario Internacional Pacifico, S.A. de C.V.)
Center for Integrated Medicine & Research
Nubes #670, Esq. Creston
Seccion Jardines del Sol
Playas de Tijuana, Baja California
Mexico 22700

Gerson Research Organization
PO Box 1850
Chula Vista, CA 91912
1-877-424-4772 (U.S.A.)
Other countries, call collect 1-760-722-8353

The CHIPSA hospital used to work closely with the Gerson clinic and the Gerson Research Organization was the research body. After a careful review of several thousands patient records, they began to change their cancer protocols to implement new insights. This eventually led to a split. They still use a modified Gerson protocol, along with the protocols developed by Dr Issels who used to run a controversial cancer clinic in Germany. They also incorporate other treatments, such as Coley toxins, Danapoulos urea/creatine therapy, hyperthermia, ozone therapy, enzyme therapy and others. They are actively evaluating new treatments and adding them to the list. They also run small trials. Their other web site at had more details on these trials but the site is currently being rebuilt.

They will send a packet of information to those interested, which has a brochure introducing the treatment programs in general terms, some information on insurance matters, and a paper by Dr Issels on his protocols. They also provide a video which focuses on patient experience at CHIPSA.

They prefer to detox the patient first, and those coming to stay for 5 weeks will spend two weeks detoxing before the toxins are administered. (They are however, very willing to help the patient start the treatment while still at home with the supervision of a local health professional, so that the stay can be shortened.) They then administer the toxins by an IV drip twice a week, and provide a supply for home self-treatment. They will supervise the treatment for the duration via phone consultations. They are reluctant to supply pain medications to patients undergoing the Coley toxin treatment, and since the pain can be considerable for the duration of the drip, patients are well advised to bring their own pain medication (making sure, of course, to choose the type of medication which will not interfere with fever.)

The treatment for the toxins cost $2000, and there is no additional charge if more toxins need to be ordered later, apart from postage. (See more about CHIPSA's treatment from patient stories.)

If contacting CHIPSA by mail, do not write to Mexico. It will likely get lost. Write c/o the Chula Vista office.

GenesisWest Medical Center for Biological Medicine
Avenida del Agua #256
Seccion Jardines
Playas de Tijuana
Tijuana, Baja California
Mexico 22700

Make inquiries to:
GenesisWest Medical Canter
PO Box 3460
Chula Vista, CA 91909-0004
Phone: 619-424-9552
Fax: 619-424-7593

This clinic is based on the work of scientist Jacob Swilling who has a PhD in clinical nutrition, and research experience in biochemistry. He has developed an approach to degenerative diseases which utilizes many modalities. Every patient undergoes an evaluation consisting of dark field microscopy, blood and urine tests, bio-energetic testing and other tests. The treatment includes colonics, ozone baths, ultraviolet irradiation of blood, mineral heat lamps, local short wave hyperthermia, magnets, supplements, Rife frequency generators, and other modalities. The clinic also uses 714-X (Naessens treatment) and Coley's toxins. They also have a biological dentistry branch, dealing with mercury fillings and other dental problems.

Upon inquiry, they mail a package of materials consisting of various brochures (incl. one on Coley's), two audio tapes, and a video tape showing the operation of the clinic. Cancer patients are encouraged to come for three weeks, but shorter programs are also available. Coley's toxins are administered at night, by an IV drip, starting with a small dose and gradually increased. They are given every day after the initial evaluation is complete. Starting dosage varies depending on patient evaluation. When the patient leaves, the clinic provides a supply of the toxins for another 2-3 months of self-administration by injection.

They tell me that the toxins come from Germany (as do most of their preparations). On the other hand, the word out there is that the Germans no longer make the toxins. Could their preparation be some other bacterial pyrogen? Stay tuned.

When in Tijuana, I walked over to GenesisWest, hoping to get a tour of their facility. Unfortunately, the place was closed down by the Health Department. It is a small bungalow building, and based on the video I saw, there is a courtyard behind it, and some other low structures to house patients. The clinic is about 2 blocks from the ocean and a beachside walkway. Their Chula Vista office said they are hoping to reopen in a few weeks; they claim that these close-downs for inspection happen every 5-6 years or so.

Et, last but not least, en Chine, ou cette méthode américaine est connue et utilisée depuis presque une centaine d'année, à une 'époque qui n'est pas loin des guerres de l'Opium.

Coley Hospital, CHINA
Dr. Guo Zheren, MD.
Phone: +86-1-868-401.

Ci après un article de fond sur cette question. A noter que l'approche du Dr Issel, également très connue en thérpaies alternatives releve de la même logique que l'approche du Dr Coley.

Coley's Toxins / Issel's Fever Therapy
By Matti Narkia, Helsinki, Finland


Fever therapy, which has helped to stop or slow down the advancement of my disease is an American invention, which in the latter part of this century has mainly been practised in Europe. Because of recent inquiries, and to pay tribute to the great American doctor who invented this therapy, I did some homework and collected information about fever therapy from the books of three American authors into a concise summary. The information includes data up to 1991, I have no knowledge of what, if anything, has happened in this area since then.
I have included contact information of some clinics which include fever therapy in their cancer program. Some of this data may have changed. I obtained this information from the books mentioned, I have no knowledge of the quality of the medical services offered and therefore cannot endorse any of them. If you have any further information - positive or (especially) negative - of the quality of the services, success rate etc.., of these clinics, I would greatly appreciate it if you mailed me a comment.

Coley's Toxins a.k.a. Mixed Bacterial Vaccine (MBV)
In 1888, Dr. William B. Coley (1862-1936), Harvard Medical School graduate, and eminent New York City surgeon and Sloan-Kettering researcher, stumbled across one of the most intriguing findings ever made in cancer research. In fact, his invention was a starting point for all modern immunotherapy. His discovery was first tolerated, then ridiculed, and finally suppressed, although in recent years some new interest in his discovery has emerged among researchers.
Frustrated after losing his first patient at Memorial Hospital, a 19 year old female bone cancer patient, despite an early detection followed by prompt amputation of her arm and a good prognosis, Coley began methodically searching the patient records at New York Hospital . He went back 15 years and examined records of all bone cancer patients. Most cases ended in failure and death. To his amazament, however, Coley discovered one patient who had been given up for lost by his doctors and yet had walked out of the hospital in apparently perfect health [1]. On his deathbed, this patient had suffered two attacks of erysipelas, a severe skin infection caused by bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes.

Coley's first attempts to produce reaction in cancer patients by injecting streptococcus cultures into them ended in failure. Luckily, he managed to get a particularly virulent culture from a famous German bacteriologist, Robert Koch, through a friend. The patient who received this culture developed a severe case of erysipelas with high fever. Within a few days the tumors on his tonsils and neck completely disappeared. In 1893 Coley published his first paper on the new method [2].

Because using live bacteria was dangerous and caused an ordeal for the patient, Coley later tried to and succeeded in improving his method. Instead of using bacteria, he mixed the toxins of the strep with those of another germ, Bacillus prodigiosus, which today is called Serratia marcesens. This seemed to work similarly to the live culture.

Best results were obtained when Dr. Coley or his colleague supervised the production of toxins. Parke-Davis, the pharmaceutical company, also produced the toxins commercially for many years, but they heated the formula, which reduced its effectiviness. Despite that, even this weakened form of toxins, Parke-Davis formula #IX, showed 37 percent cure rate for inoperable patients.

In 1943 NCI researcher M.J. Shears discovered that the biologically active substance in Coley's toxins is lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which occurs in the cell walls of gram-negative bacteria [4].

By 1953, however, all the production of the toxins in the United States stopped.

For over 30 years starting late 50s or early 60s, Dr. France Havas, professor emeritus of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, studied the effects of Coley's toxins in mice and humans. The results of her studies were generally favorable, even in advanced patients [5,6,7,8].

In 1976 randomized trials of mixed bacterial vaccines (MBV) - as Coley's toxins are now called - begun at Memorial Sloan-Kettering.

In 1991 K.F.Kolmel and colleagues in Gottingen, Germany reported on favorable results obtained on treatment of advanced melanoma with Coley's toxins [9].

Recently Coley's toxins have been researched and used also in China. Zhao and others published 1991 preliminary results of these trials [10].


Coley's results have been tabulated by his daughter, Helen Coley Nauts, D.Sc., former executive director of the Cancer Research Institute, Inc., in New York City [11]. She and her medical colleagues have documented 894 cases treated with Coley's vaccine. Examples:

Tumor type # of operable Alive after # of inoper. Alive after
patients 5 years patients 5 years

Giant cell
bone tumor 38 33 (87%) 19 15 (79%)

Breast cancer 13 13 (100%) 20 13 (65%)

Other 5-year survival rates: 67% in Hodgkin's disease, 67% in inoperable ovarian cancer, 60% in inoperable malignant melanoma. Overall, patients with inoperable tumor of various kinds had 45% 5-year survival, while those with operable tumors had 50%.

In 1962, Dr. Barbara Johnston, M.D. published a double blind study on Coley's toxins. This study was conducted at New York University-Bellevue Hospital. The results were clear-cut. In the control group treated with fever inducing placebo, only one patient of 37 showed any signs of improvement. Of the 34 patients treated with Coley's toxins, 18 showed no improvement, 7 noted decreased pain while 9 showed such benefits as tumor necrosis, apparent inhibition of metastases, shrinkage of lymph nodes, and disappearance of tumors [12].

In 1982 at the conference held in Cologne, Germany, Mrs. Nauts reported the first results of randomized trials of MBV (Coley's toxins) begun in 1976 at Memorial Sloan-Kettering: Advanced non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients receiving MBV had a 93 percent remission rate as opposed to 29 percent for controls who received chemotherapy alone [13].


[1] Cancer Research Institute. Review of Progress and Hope. New York 1976.

[2] Coley, William B. "A Preliminary Note on the Treatment of Inoperable Sarcoma by the Toxic Product of Erysipelas." Post-graduate 8:278-86, 1893.

[3] Coley, William B. "The Cancer Symposium at Lake Mohonk." American Journal of Surgery (New Series) 1:222-25, October 1926.

[4] Ward, Patricia Spain. Memo to John Gibbons. December 2 1988.

[5] Havas H, et al. Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. I. Methods of preparation and effects on normal or Sarcoma 37-bearing mice. Cancer Res. 1958;18:141-148.

[6] Havas H, et al. Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. III. Effect of tumor removal on the toxicity and mortality rates in mice. Cancer Res. 1960;20:393-396

[7] Havas H, and Donnelly A. Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. IV. Response of methylcholanthrene-induced, spontaneous, and transplanted tumors in mice. Cancer Res. 1961;21:17-25.

[8] Havas H, et al. The effect of bacterial vaccine on tumors and immune response of ICR/Ha mice. J Biol Res Mod. 1990;9;:194-204.

[9] Kolmel K, et al. Treatment of advanced malignant melanoma by a pyrogenic bacterial lysate. A pilot study. Onkologie. 1991;14:411-417.

[10] Zhao YT, et al. Preliminary reult of mixed bacterial vaccine as adjuvant treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Med Oncol & Tumor Pharmacother. 1991;8:23-28.

[11] Nauts, Helen Coley. Immunotherapy of Cancer by Bacterial Vaccines. Paper read at International Symposium on Detection and Prevention of Cancer. New York, April 25 - May 1, 1976.

[12] Johnston, Barbara, "Clinical Effects of Coley's Toxin. 1. Controlled Study. 2. A Seven-Year Study." Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 21:19-68, August 1962.

[13] Nauts, Helen Coley, Bacterial Products in the Treatment of Cancer: Past, Present and Future. Paper read at the International Colloqium on Bacteriology and Cancer, Clogne, Federal Republic of Germany, March 16-18, 1982.

[14] Nauts, Helen Coley, Bacterial vaccine therapy of cancer. Dev Biol Stand. 1977;38487-94.

[15] Nauts, Helen Coley, Bacterial pyrogens: bemeficial effect on cancer patients. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1982;107:687-96.

[16] Nauts, Helen Cole, Bacteraia and cancer - antagonisms and benefits, Cancer Surv. 1989;8:713-23.

[17] Keen AR and Frelick RW, Response of tumors to thermodynamic stimulation of the immune system. Del Med J. 1990;62:1115-6.

[18] Cunningham RS and Pearson FC. ImuVert activation of natural killer cytotoxicity and interferon gamma production via CD16 triggering. Int J Immunopharmacol. 1990;12:589-98.

[19] Jimenez JJ et al. Treatment with ImuVert aborts development of chloroleukemia in newborn rats. J Biol Response Mod. 1990;9:300-4.

[20] Cress NB, et al. ImuVert therapy in the treatment of recurrent malignant astrocytomas: nursing implications. J Neorosci. Nurs. 1991;23:29-33.

[21] Jaeckle KA, et al. Phase II trial of Serratia marcesenses extract in recurrent malignant astrocytoma. J Clin Oncol. 1990;8:1408-18.

[22] Abe H. [antitumor effect of LPS immobilized beads]. Nippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi. 1991;92:627-35.


For treatment contact Waisbren Clinic:

Burton A. Waisbren Sr., MD, FACP
2315 North Lake Drive
Room 815, Seton Tower
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211
Phone: 414-272-1929

For information contact:

Cancer Research Institute
681 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 800-223-7874, in New York 800-522-5022

Mrs. Nauts, who is the director of communications for CRI, can be reached at 1225 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128, phone: 212-722-8547.

In Germany:

Klaus F. Kolmel, Priv. Doz. Med.
Universitats-Haup Klinik
von Sieboldstrasse 3
3400 Gottingen, Germany
Phone: +49-551-396-081. Fax: +49-551-396-092

In China:

Coley Hospital
Phone: +86-1-868-401. Dr. Guo Zheren, MD.

Other Therapies Using Fever

Dr. Josef Issel's Whole Body Therapy

A pioneer in alternative cancer treatment, Josef Issels, MD, of Germany, achieved remarkable remissions, even in advanced cases, through combination of therapies designed to shrink the tumor and repair the body's defense mechanisms. His "whole body" approach included anticancer vaccines, an anticancer diet emphasizing organic raw foods, and fever therapy to stimulate immune function. He also used a variety of methods to rebuild the immune system and change the body's biochemistry to eliminate an evironment favorable for the development of cancer. Occasionally he also used very-low-dose chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and ozone therapy in combination with immunotherapy. He prescribed organ extracts to repair damage to organs and improve their functioning. He also administered organ-specific RNA and DNA, proteolytic enzymes to destroy the protein coat surrounding tumors, as well as vitamins and minerals to strengthen the body's enzyme activity. He recommended his patients to have the infected teeth and/or tonsils, and metallic (especially mercury amalgam) fillings removed, because he felt these could have unfavorable effect on immune system. His program also includes psychotherapy to deal with the emotional factors that he felt could hinder recovery.

Dr. Issels gave patients a "fever shot" once a month to raise the body temperature as high as 105 F. He induced active fever with the ethical drug Pyrifer, made from specially treated coli bacteria. He induced passive fever by means of hyperthermia: the patient was placed inside a cylinder containing electrodes that bombarded his or her body with ultra short waves.

He tried to motivate the cancer patients to take on full time struggle against cancer. As one unusual example, his cancer patients were routed out of their beds to do light mountain climbing in the Bavarian Alps. The patients also participated in a daily exercise that included jogging.

Two independent studies - one at King's college Hospital in London, the other at the University of Leyden in Holland - confirmed that about 17 percent of Issel's terminal patients led normal, cancer-free lives for at least five years. Their life expectancy upon admission had been less than one year.

In 50s and 60s the German medical establishment was nowhere near as liberal as now. It boycotted and isolated Dr. Issels. Finally, the German medical authorities leveled trumped-up charges of fraud and manslaughter against Issels, and in 1960, Issels was imprisoned in a cell block containing only convicted murderers. Eventually, however, Dr. Issels was acquitted of all charges.

Dr. Issels is now living in retirement in Florida. A "multimodality immunotherapy program" based on his method is offered by Ahmed Elkadi, MD, and colleagues at the Panama City Clinic in Panama City, Florida. Another current practitioner of the Issels methods is Dr. Wolfgang Woeppel at the Hufeland Klinik in Bad Mergentheim, Germany.


[1] Issels, Josef, Cancer: A Second Opinion. London 1975.

[2] Issels, Josef, "Cancer - Whole-body Approach and Immunotherapy," lecture given in New York, 1980.

Resources for Dr. Issel's Therapy

Akbar Clinic (Panama City Clinic)
Ahmed Elkadi, MD
236 South Tyndall Parkway
Panama City, FL 32404
Phone: (904) 763-7689. Fax: (904) 763-5396

Hufeland Klinik for Holistic Immunotherapy
Wolgang Woeppel, MD
Bismarckstrasse 16
D-6990 Bad Mergentheim
Phone: +49-7931-8185 or +49-7931-7082

Other resources which include fever therapy

Klinik Friedenweiler
Professor Dr. Albert Landsberger
Kurhausweg 2
D-7829 Friedeweiler 2, Germany
Phone: 07651 208-0 Fax: 07651 208-116

Veramed Klinik am Wendelstein
D-8204 Brannenburg/Obb., Germany
Phone: 08034/3020 or 08034/302750
Fax: 08034/7835

Information on fever therapy and other noninvasive therapies is available from:

Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT)

P.O.Box 1242
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113
Phone: (212) 741-2790


P.O.Box 215
200 East Lancaster Avenue
Wynnwood, Pennsylvania 19096
Phone (215) 642-4810

Contact person: Ruth Sackman.

Coley Pharmaceutical Group, Inc. met en valeur l'approche du Dr Coley, l'immunothérapie commence petit à petit à émerger dans la pensée orthodoxe, après plus de cent années que les preuves ont été établies

quelques extraits de leur site:

Following in the footsteps of Dr. William Coley, a prominent cancer surgeon at the turn of the 19th century, Coley employees are dedicated to reviving a rich legacy of life-saving therapies for cancers and immunological diseases. The company brings together top life science researchers, clinicians and experienced executives from the biopharmaceutical industry to rapidly advance its TLR Therapeutics™ for the treatment of cancers, infectious diseases and asthma and allergy.

Coley has grown quickly both in size and scope, with exciting career opportunities in three global locations: Langenfeld, Germany; Ottawa, Canada; and Wellesley, Massachusetts USA. Discovery, molecular biology and pharmacology are based in Langenfeld and Ottawa, while drug development and executive offices reside outside Boston, MA. Clinical trials are conducted worldwide.

Coley Pharmaceutical Group's TLR Therapeutics™ target immune cells' toll-like receptors, a family of receptors that have evolved to detect specific molecular pattern signatures of pathogens and direct the appropriate immune responses. Coley's clinical stage products, synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides mimetics of pathogen DNA, are agonists of Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9). TLR9 signaling activates dendritic cells and B cells to initiate a highly specific and targeted immune response. Coley's TLR9 agonists activate both innate and adaptive immune responses to treat cancer and infections, generating disease-specific (pathogen or tumor) antibodies and cytotoxic T cells. These TLR9 agonists overpower the development of immune tolerance to pathogens and cancers by activating dendritic cells. Additionally, Coley's TLR9 agonists can redirect aberrant immune responses in the treatment of asthma and allergy.

Beginning with Dr. Krieg's initial discovery in 1994 that CpG oligodeoxynucleotides can mimic the immunostimulatory properties of bacterial DNA, Coley has built a dominant intellectual portfolio to protect its discoveries related to TLR Therapeutics. Coley's patent portfolio is currently comprised of 12 granted US patents, over 85 pending US applications, plus their foreign counterparts. Dr. Krieg's initial 1995 Nature publication on CpG-DNA was the first of what is now over 1600 scientific papers published on the subject, a testament to the importance of this emerging field.

Coley's pipeline features clinical stage products to treat cancers, infectious diseases and asthma and allergy.

ProMune™ (CPG 7909), Coley’s lead investigational cancer product, is currently in late Phase II clinical trials to treat advanced non-small cell lung cancer, malignant melanoma and cutaneous T cell lymphoma, both as monotherapy and as part of multi-drug regimens. Coley’s first Phase III trial for ProMune is planned for late 2004.

ProMune (CPG 7909), Coley’s lead compound, is currently in late Phase II clinical studies to treat advanced non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), malignant melanoma and cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL), both as a monotherapy and as part of multi-drug regimens. Coley’s first Phase III trial for ProMune is planned for late 2004. ProMune is also under evaluation for treatment of additional cancers and as part of other treatment regimens.

ProMune is a synthetic agonist for Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) and is a potent and specific activator of innate and adaptive immunity to cancer cells. By stimulating TLR9, ProMune acts directly and selectively on plasmacytoid dendritic cells and B cells to reverse immune tolerance to malignant cells and to drive specific, sustained anti-tumor responses through the production of antigen specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) and antibodies. Specifically, ProMune’s mechanism of action involves the:

Induction of cytokines and chemokines (e.g., type I IFNs) with anti-tumor effects
Activation of natural killer cell activity against tumor cells, with resulting release of tumor antigen
Activation and migration of dendritic cells
Presentation of antigens and costimulatory molecules to T cells and B cells
Development of long-lasting, antigen specific CTLs and antibodies
Promotion of immune cell resistance to apoptosis
Coley believes that ProMune, alone or in combination with existing therapies, has several potential advantages over traditional therapies, including the ability to address numerous tumor types and metastases, provide immune memory against tumor reoccurrence and synergize with existing treatments.

Antigen-presenting cells present in lymph nodes, spleen and at low levels in blood. Dendritic cells are the key "education centers" in activating immune response memory to increase the system's ability to fight off familiar antigens



Nous préparons un livre à ce sujet. Petit à petit, on construira ce site, mais davantage après quelques procédures judiciaires ou j'utilise les médecines alternatives au niveau de l'argumentaire "survie" pour la procédure médical et le concept "crime contre l'humanité" pour la partie "produits défectueux" du tabac.. A terme, nous résumerons nos efforts en matière judiciaires aussi, document à l'appui.

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