Sunday, November 27, 2011

research kidney

XGP is a rare form of chronic pyelonephritis and probably represents
an abnormal immune response to bacterial infection.

urinary tract obstruction -- nephrolithiasis

xanthogranulomatoese Pyelonephritis
xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis successfully treated with antibiotics only.

Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against
both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria

Urine typically contains both leukocytes and bacteria. The pH is often
basic because Proteus mirabilis is a urease-producing organism. The
erythrocyte sedimentation rate is frequently elevated.

XGP and renal cell carcinoma have even been observed in the same specimen.

interesting reading
XGP typically presents with non-specific symptoms [5] and laboratory
abnormalities [6] including leucocytosis, increased blood urea
nitrogen and creatinine levels. Typical features that may be found on
CT scan include enlarged kidneys with multiple low-density areas
associated with hydronephrosis, and indications of perirenal
extension. In native kidneys, the cases with diffuse XGP require total
nephrectomy. Partial nephrectomy or medical therapy with antibiotics
could be considered for focal disease.   >> antibiotics

Bei der akuten Pyelonephritis ist die Antibiotikagabe über mindestens
10 Tage[11] zwingend erforderlich. Schwere Infektionen sollten mit
Fluorchinolonen, z. B. Ciprofloxacin, oder mit
Breitspektrum-Cephalosporinen, auch in Kombination mit
Aminoglykosiden, behandelt werden.[11] Zur Anwendung kommen außerdem
Amoxicillin, Piperacillin mit Tazobactam, sowie Imipenem. Wenn möglich
erfolgt die Therapie nach Erreger- und Resistenzbestimmung.

Die perorale Gabe ist zu bevorzugen, wenn es der klinische Zustand des
Patienten erlaubt. In einer Studie mit 141 Patienten war die
intravenöse Gabe von Ciprofloxacin der oralen nicht überlegen

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