In this german document
E. Goehring (info _at- archemed dot de??? )
describes the usage of Coley's Toxins
in the Aeskulap Klinik in Bad Rappenau
(he has administered Vaccineurin 18,000 times)
page 35 (pdf) = page 366 (scanned document)
He says ColeysToxins can
"dampen autoimmune reactions and interrupt a circulus vitiosus"
He says that sicknesses that respond to Fever therapie are the following:
Gonorrhoe, Typhus, Paratyphus, Pertussis,
Pneumonie, Fleckfieber, Meningokokkeninfektionen,
Osteomyelitis, Virusinfektionen, wie Poliomyelitis,
Hepatitis (even with AIDS patients we were able to
advantageously influence the clinical status as
well as the Immune status); allergic and skin diseases,
like Asthma bronchiale, Ekzeme, Neurodermitis, Erythrodermie,
allergic Rhinitis, rheumatic diseases, like Bechterev disease
rheumatic fever, degenerative-rheumatic sicknesses and
soft-tissue rheumatism, Neuralgien und Neuritiden,
Ulcus Ventriculi et duodeni (this becomes especially interesting
und the aspect of the probable Campylobacter-Etology)
chronic-infectious colon diseases like Colitis ulcerosa
and Morbus Crohn; lastly multiple sklerosis.
The most thankful of all diseases according to our experience
is colitis ulcerosa, which responds highly reliably.
We have not encountered any relapse after therapy-end, all
patients were able to abandon Cortison and/or
*at first we use 2 million units (lysated bacteria)
intravenously (Vaccineurin)
*then blood circultaion tonikum "strophantin k" 1/4 mg (1A Kombetin) i.v.
*every 30 min measure temperature and pulse
most often a 30 minute duration shudder-shivering develops
before reaching temparature-peak.
This can lead to nausea, vomiting, headaches and muscle pains,
especially back-pains. These can be arrested by 1A. Pentazocin.
liquid intake only allowed after reaching temperature maximum,
to prevent sweating, which leads to temperature reduction.
in the evening when the fever has subsided a light meal is allowed.
I have overseen 18,000 fever-injections without complications.
our oldest patient was 80
I don't know of any technique in oncological therapy that has a
comparable therapeutic index.
His last sentence is:
How can modern Medicine afford to relinquish such an efficient method like
the fever therapy, which's basic immunologic operation is
considered ascertained???
Mammogram - detect caner - cause cancer (we usually push them both)
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